NOTE: On May 21, 2025 we change name of the sub-fund Santander Global Responsible Investment to Santander Prestiż Global Equity. Investment policy of the sub-fund remains unchanged.
Sub-fund name | Unit value 08.03.2024 | Unit value 10.03.2025 | Value change | |
Santander Prestiż Global Responsible Investment Unit value 08.03.2024 1 267,71 PLN Unit value 10.03.2025 1 374,72 PLN Value change 8,44% | 1 267,71 PLN | 1 374,72 PLN | 8,44% |
Previous value 07.03.2025 | 1 371,68 PLN |
1M | -3,76% |
3M | -3,58% |
6M | +3,32% |
12M | +8,44% |
36M | +31,91% |
60M | +51,31% |
YTD | -1,92% |
Sub-fund overview
Sub-fund launch | 19.02.2016 |
Benchmark | n/a |
Recommended investment horizon | min. 5 years |
Subfund category | Equity |
Managing company | Santander TFI S.A. |
Minimum initial investment | 100,00 PLN |
Minimum subsequent investment | 100,00 PLN |
Summary of the investment policy
The sub-fund invests from 80% of net assets to 100% of assets in the shares of Santander GO Global Equity ESG, a compartment of Santander SICAV (master fund).
Master fund takes into account ESG criteria in the investment process and meets the conditions of Article 8 of SFDR *.
Master fund invests in shares of companies from around the world taking into account the impact of environmental, social and governance factors on the future cash flows of companies acquired into the portfolio.
The part of the portfolio whose currency risk has not been hedged amounts to a maximum of 10% net assets.
* SFDR - Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector.
Overview of the investment process
At Santander TFI, the investment process relies on the competences of the Investment Committee and the individual sub-funds’ managers.
The Investment Committee includes all sub-funds’ managers. The Investment Committee makes decisions that concern, among other things:
- hedging currency positions and the use of other derivatives,
- strategic and geographic allocation.
Sub-funds’ managers, on the other hand, make individual investment decisions regarding the target holdings of individual financial instruments in the portfolios.
Allocation of assets
97% | Equities |
3% | Cash and deposits |
Geographic allocation
76% | United States |
7% | United Kingdom |
6% | Other |
4% | Japan |
4% | France |
3% | Germany |
Documents to download
Previous value 07.03.2025 | 1 371,68 PLN |
1M | -3,76% |
3M | -3,58% |
6M | +3,32% |
12M | +8,44% |
36M | +31,91% |
60M | +51,31% |
YTD | -1,92% |
Documents to download
Data concerns the foreign sub-fund Santander GO Global Equity ESG (master sub-fund), in which 96% of Santander Prestiż Odpowiedzialnego Inwestowania Globalny assets are invested. We do not include derivatives in master sub-fund’s portfolio. Presented data refere to status as of January 31, 2025.
Sustainability-related disclosures
Santander Prestiż Global Responsible Investment sub-fund:
- invests in master sub-fund Santander GO Global Equity ESG which includes ESG criteria in the investment process,
- meets the conditions of Article 8 of the Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of November 27, 2019, Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR Regulation),
- considers principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors (within the meaning of this regulation).
Detailed disclosures required by the regulatory technical standards (RTS) to the SFDR Regulation are available in the document ‘Sustainability-related disclosures’ (Documents to download).
This document is presented for marketing purposes and does not constitute an agreement or an information document required by law.
It should not be relied upon as the sole basis for making investment decisions.
The rewards of investing in shares are also accompanied by risks. A description of the risk factors, financial data and information about fees and charges can be found in the prospectuses, key information documents (KIDs) and schedules of fees and charges available in Polish at and at Santander fund distributors. For a summary of investors' rights, see the prospectus (Chapter III, sec. 4).
The Funds do not guarantee the achievement of a stated investment objective or a specific investment performance and future returns are subject to taxation, which depends on the personal situation of each investor and which may change over time. Before making an investment decision, the participant should consider the fees associated with the sub-fund and take into account the possible taxation of the investment return. The participant must also take into account the possibility of losing at least part of the invested funds.
When investing in mutual funds, the participant purchases the units of those funds and not the underlying assets that the fund itself invests in.
The net asset value of the sub-fund may exhibit high volatility, which results from the composition of the portfolio or the portfolio management technique employed.
The information presented above is solely promotional in nature.
On January 4, 2021 we changed the name of Santander Prestiż Global Responsible Investment sub-fund (from the previous one: Santander Prestiż European Dividend) and its investment policy. Therefore, the results of the sub-fund before that date were achieved under conditions no longer applicable.
This chart shows the sub-fund’s performance as the percentage loss or gain per year over the last 8 years. (unit B,%)
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Markets could develop very differently in the future. Assessing how the sub-fund has been managed in the past can help you.
Performance is shown net of all fees charged on the sub-fund's assets including management fee and performance fee. The performance figures are not adjusted for the potential tax imposed on the Investor and the charges payable upon the sale or repurchase of participation units. The sub-fund was established in 2016. The results were accrued in Polish currency. Due to the fact that on January 4, 2021 on sub-fund changed the investment policy, the results of the sub-fund before that date were achieved under conditions no longer applicable.