The information on the website may contain advertising content that does not constitute an agreement or an information document required by the law, and does not contain sufficient information to make an investment decision. Investing bears risk. Before making any investment decisions, read the fund's prospectus, including the detailed list of risks.


Gain today,
save for tomorrow

Open an IKZE account

It will open in a new window


Tax exemption

You won't pay capital gains tax when you withdraw funds from IKZE.

PIT relief

You can deduct IKZE contributions from your PIT income.
In 2025, you can obtain a tax relief of up to PLN 3,330.43, and if you run a non-agricultural business, up to PLN 4,995.65.*
This is your real profit, for which you do not have to wait until the end of the investment.

* The indicated amounts refer to the second tax threshold (32%).

Investment flexibility

Minimum IKZE contributions are just PLN 100. You don't have to contribute regularly. You can temporarily reduce or suspend your contributions. You can also withdraw the accumulated money at any time (terms of funds withdrawal are described below).

Important! You can have only one IKZE.

Annual contribution limit

In 2025, you can contribute PLN 10,407.60 into IKZE, and if you run a non-agricultural business - as much as PLN 15,611.40. This amount is set by law for each year.

Safeguarding loved ones

The IKZE money is inherited by your loved ones. You can also indicate the (authorized) persons to whom the money will be paid after your death. They may also be people who are not related to you.

No handling fees

PLN 0 for opening an IKZE and withdrawing funds.

Available subfunds

all within Santander Prestiż SFIO. You can invest in several sub-funds.

There are two investment options:

  • age-appropriate investment, i.e. a ready-made sub-funds portfolio. The managers select sub-funds depending on your age and the time remaining until you reach the age of 65.
  • individual investment in which you choose sub-funds for IKZE yourself.

Check how much you can gain with IKZE

The calculator presents a simulation of the value of the accumulated capital in the case of systematic, monthly or annual payments.

The calculator takes into account the amount of the monthly or annual contribution, the investment period and your expected annual rate of return on the investment. The Calculator does not take into account possible fees related to participation in the Santander Prestiż SFIO fund and the flat-rate tax when withdrawing from IKZE. The maximum annual limit for payments to IKZE in 2025 is PLN 10,407.60, and if you run a non-agricultural business - as much as PLN 15,611.40.

Important: remember that this is only a simulation and actual rates of return may vary.

For people who do not run non-agricultural economic activity

How much do you earn gross per month?


How much do you want to save?


How long do you want to save?


Expected annual rate of return


You can reduce your income tax for this year by:


What is the tax advantage?

Afteryear(s) of saving you will have:
Total payments
Earned profit

You can withdraw the funds with a one-time payment or in installments

Remember that this is only a simulation and the actual rates of return can be different.

For people who run non-agricultural economic activity

What is your form of taxation?

Your gross income


How much do you want to save?


How long do you want to save?


Expected annual rate of return


You can reduce your income tax for this year by:


What is the tax advantage?

Afteryear(s) of saving you will have:
Total payments
Earned profit

You can withdraw the funds with a one-time payment or in installments

Remember that this is only a simulation and the actual rates of return can be different.

How to buy?

Opening an IKZE is simple. You can do everything online - in the Santander Internet/investment funds tab.

Open an IKZE account

When you open an IKZE, you decide where your money will be invested.
You can choose one of two solutions:

  • a ready-made portfolio appropriate to your age and the time remaining until retirement (age-appropriate investment) or
  • independent selection of sub-funds for your IKZE (individual investment).

If you don't already have an account with Santander Bank, open one online today!

Open account Uruchomi się w nowym oknie

  • Age-appropriate investment

    An age-appropriate investment is a ready-made portfolio of sub-funds. Managers select sub-funds depending on your age and the time remaining until you reach the age of 65. The risk level of your investment will change with your age. When you reach a certain age, the division of your funds between sub-funds will automatically change. You can change your selection to Individual Investment at any time.

  • Individual investment

    Select the sub-funds you want to invest in yourself - a maximum of 5. Indicate what percentage of your payments you want to transfer to these sub-funds - a minimum of 10%. You can change your choice at any time.

IKZE for Entrepreneurs

Do you run a non-agricultural business activity? Opening an IKZE account offers you unique benefits. Entrepreneurs have a higher contribution limit, giving you the opportunity to accumulate a higher amount and correspondingly greater tax benefits.

  • Higher Contribution Limit

    if you are running a non-agricultural business activity, you can contribute a maximum of PLN 15,611.40 to IKZE this year.

  • Greater tax benefits

    by contributing to your IKZE account by the end of 2025, you could receive up to PLN 4,995.65 in tax deductions.

Terms of funds withdrawal

Withdrawal with tax benefits

  • after reaching the age of 65
  • and
  • making payments to IKZE for at least 5 calendar years.

A 10% flat-rate tax will be deducted from the withdrawn amount. However, this rate is lower than the applicable income tax rates.

Earlier refund

  • only the full amount of funds
  • the amount received should be included in the income in the annual PIT settlement and tax should be paid at the applicable tax rate

IKZE - How does it work?

Remember that IKZE in the Santander Prestiż SFIO fund is an investment product. This means that the investment involves risks typical of mutual funds.

Questions and Answers

  • In the process of saving
    You can deduct contributions to IKZE from the income tax base in your annual PIT settlement. Thanks to this, you will pay less tax for a given year - you will receive a refund from the tax office or you will have a smaller surcharge. This is an almost immediate benefit that you realize every year - you don't have to wait until the end of saving.

    If you decide to return the funds earlier, you must include the amount paid from IKZE in your income when settling your annual PIT and pay tax at the rate applicable to you. We will issue a PIT-11 for you, which will be the basis for settlement with the Tax Office.
    You won't pay capital gains tax when you withdraw funds from IKZE.

    At the end of the investment
    If you wait until you turn 65 and contribute to the IKZE for at least 5 calendar years when you withdraw the money, you will only pay 10% in flat tax.

    Taxes and inheritance
    If your loved ones, beneficiaries and heirs inherit funds in IKZE, they will not pay inheritance and donation tax. They will be able to transfer the collected funds to their IKZE or withdraw them - but then they will have to pay a flat-rate tax of 10%.

  • IKZE is available in all sub-funds available within the Santander Prestiż SFIO fund.

  • Opening an IKZE requires concluding an IKZE agreement and depositing the first funds. You can do it at Santander Bank Polska SA branches and online - at Santander Internet.

  • An age-appropriate investment is a ready-made portfolio of sub-funds. Managers select sub-funds depending on your age and the time remaining until retirement. As part of an individual investment, you select sub-funds for IKZE yourself.

  • Currently, we do not charge fees for opening an IKZE, nor for purchasing, changing the distribution of payments or withdrawing funds from IKZE.
    When investing in participation units of Santander Prestiż SFIO sub-funds, you pay a management fee and performance fee applicable in a given sub-fund. Published unit valuations and the balance of funds you see on Santander Internet already include these fees and should not be added to them.

    Detailed information about all fees can be found in the Schedule of fees.