General Meeting

AGM 2025

AGM 2025,  
  1. Announcement of the convening Annual General Meeting
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Information on the total number of shares and respective voting rights
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Draft Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Rationale for Resolutions together with information related to the items of the agenda under which resolutions will not be passed
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding items 5-7 of the Agenda (approval of Bank’s and Bank’s Group Financial Statements for 2024, approval of Management Board on Bank Group’s performance in 2024)
Link It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 10 of the Agenda (Santander Bank Polska S.A. Supervisory Board’s report on remunerations of the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of Santander Bank Polska S.A. in 2024):

Supervisory Board’s report on remunerations of the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of Santander Bank Polska S.A. in 2024

PDF It will open in a new window

Auditors report

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 11 of the Agenda (Santander Bank Polska S.A. Supervisory Board’s report on its activities in the 2024 and information on the degree of implementation of the diversity policy and outcome of applicable remuneration policy assessment):

Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board in 2024

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding items 12 of the Agenda (Suitability assessment of the Supervisory Board and the candidates for the Supervisory Board, Appointing the Supervisory Board Members for the new term of office, appointment of the Supervisory Board Chairman, assessment of the Supervisory Board efficiency and internal regulations’ adequacy assessment related to the Supervisory Board):

Recommendation of the Nominations Committee

PDF It will open in a new window

Adequacy assessment of the Internal Regulations related to the Supervisory Board (self-assessment)

PDF It will open in a new window

Assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of the Supervisory Board in 2024

PDF It will open in a new window

Resolution of the Supervisory Board on self-assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the Supervisory Board

PDF It will open in a new window

The KNF’s guidance addressed to banks operating as joint stock companies on compliance with requirements for assessing the adequacy of internal regulations concerning their supervisory boards operations and its effectiveness arising from the KNF’s Recommendation Z on internal governance in banks

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders to the item 14 of the Agenda (Change of remuneration of the Supervisory Board chair)

Justification to the item 14 of the Agenda

PDF It will open in a new window

Remuneration Policy for Members of the Supervisory Board

PDF It will open in a new window

Remuneration Policy for Members of the Management Board

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders to the item 15 of the Agenda (Change of remuneration of the Supervisory Board chair)
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders to the item 16 of the Agenda (Amendments to the Bank’s Statute)
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders to the item 17 of the Agenda (Creating a capital reserve for the buy-back (purchase) of own shares earmarked for the execution of the Incentive Plan VII and authorising the Management Board to purchase own shares to execute the Incentive Plan VII)
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders to the item 18 of the Agenda (Gender Balance Policy, authorization for the Supervisory Board)
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders to the item 19 of the Agenda (Information on purchase of own shares to execute Incentive Plan VII)
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Template of the power of attorney for voting proxies
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Remote Voting System manual
PPS It will open in a new window





AGM 2024

We invite you to see the recorded video transmission of AGM, which took place on 18 April 2024
between 9.30 -10.15 (Polish time).

Webcast It will open in a new window

AGM 2024, 18.04.2024 9:30  
The resolutions adopted by the Santander Bank Polska S.A. Annual General Meeting on 18 April 2024 with their corresponding voting results. PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Announcement of the convening Annual General Meeting
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Information on the total number of shares and respective voting rights
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Draft Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Rationale for Resolutions together with information related to the items of the agenda under which resolutions will not be passed
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding items 5-7 of the Agenda (approval of Bank’s and Bank’s Group Financial Statements for 2023, approval of Management Board on Bank Group’s performance in 2023)
Link It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 10 of the Agenda (Santander Bank Polska S.A. Supervisory Board’s report on remunerations of the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of Santander Bank Polska S.A. in 2023):

Supervisory Board’s report on remunerations of the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of Santander Bank Polska S.A. in 2023

PDF It will open in a new window

Auditors report

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 11 of the Agenda (Santander Bank Polska S.A. Supervisory Board’s report on its activities in the 2023 and information on the degree of implementation of the diversity policy and outcome of applicable remuneration policy assessment; assessment of the Supervisory Board efficiency and internal regulations’ adequacy assessment related to the Supervisory Board):

Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board in 2023

PDF It will open in a new window

Adequacy assessment of the Internal Regulations related to the Supervisory Board (self-assessment)

PDF It will open in a new window

Assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of the Supervisory Board in 2023

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding items 13-15 of the Agenda (Suitability assessment of the Supervisory Board and the candidates for the Supervisory Board, Appointing the Supervisory Board Members for the new term of office, appointment of the Supervisory Board Chairman):

Recommendation of the Nominations Committee

PDF It will open in a new window

CV of the candidates to the Supervisory Board

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders to the item 17 of the Agenda (Amendments to the Bank’s Statute)
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders to the item 18 of the Agenda (Creating a capital reserve for the buy-back (purchase) of own shares earmarked for the execution of the Incentive Plan VII and authorising the Management Board to purchase own shares to execute the Incentive Plan VII)
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders to the item 19 of the Agenda (Information on purchase of own shares to execute Incentive Plan VII)
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Template of the power of attorney for voting proxies
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Remote Voting System manual
PPS It will open in a new window
  1. Draft of the resolution submitted by the shareholder re amendments to the Bank's Statutes (item 17 of the Agenda)
PDF It will open in a new window

Change-tracked draft resolution

PDF It will open in a new window

Current wording of the Statutes of the Bank along with the proposed wording

PDF It will open in a new window



Draft resolutions and a template of the form allowing to exercise a voting right by a proxy takes into account the draft resolutions, which were published in current report no. 22/2024 It will open in a new window dated 12 April 2024.



EGM 2024

We invite you to see the recorded video transmission of EGM, which took place on 11 January 2024
between 10.00 -10.30 (Polish time).

Webcast It will open in a new window

EGM 2024, 11.01.2024 10:00  
The resolutions adopted by the Santander Bank Polska S.A. Extraordinary General Meeting on 11 January 2024 with their corresponding voting results. PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Announcement of the convening Extraordinary General Meeting
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Information on the total number of shares and respective voting rights
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Draft Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Rationale for resolutions (including information to items 5-7 of the agenda):

Rationale for resolutions

PDF It will open in a new window

Supervisory Board Terms of Reference

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Template of the power of attorney for voting proxies
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Remote Voting System manual
PPS It will open in a new window





II EGM 2023

We invite you to see the recorded video transmission of EGM, which took place on 20 July 2023
between 10.00 -10.30 (Polish time).

Webcast It will open in a new window

II EGM 2023, 20.07.2023 10:00  
The resolutions adopted by the Santander Bank Polska S.A. Extraordinary General Meeting on 20 July 2023 with their corresponding voting results. PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Announcement of the convening Extraordinary General Meeting
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Information on the total number of shares and respective voting rights
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Draft Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Rationale for Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 8 of the Agenda:


PDF It will open in a new window

Supervisory Board Terms of Reference

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Template of the power of attorney for voting proxies
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Remote Voting System manual
PPS It will open in a new window

Draft resolutions and a template of the form allowing to exercise a voting right by a proxy takes into account the draft resolutions, which were published in current report no. 28/2023 It will open in a new window dated 10 July 2023 and no. 29/2023 It will open in a new window dated 12 July 2023.

AGM 2023

We invite you to see the recorded video transmission of AGM, which took place on 19 April 2023
between 9.30 -11.00 (Polish time).

Webcast It will open in a new window

AGM 2023, 19.04.2023 9:30  
The resolutions adopted by the Santander Bank Polska S.A. Annual General Meeting on 19 April 2023 with their corresponding voting results. PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Announcement of the convening Annual General Meeting
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Information on the total number of shares and respective voting rights
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Draft Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Rationale for Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding items 5-7 of the Agenda
Link It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 10 of the Agenda:

Supervisory Board’s report on remunerations of the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of Santander Bank Polska S.A. in 2022

PDF It will open in a new window

Auditors report

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 11 of the Agenda:

Appendix no. 1 to the draft resolution re. item 11 of the agenda

PDF It will open in a new window

Appendix no. 2 to the draft resolution re. item 11 of the agenda

PDF It will open in a new window

Appendix no. 3 to the draft resolution re. item 11 of the agenda

PDF It will open in a new window

Appendix no. 4 to the draft resolution re. item 11 of the agenda

PDF It will open in a new window

The KNF’s guidance on assessing the adequacy of internal regulations and effectiveness of the Supervisory Board’s operations

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Template of the power of attorney for voting proxies
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Remote Voting System manual
PPS It will open in a new window

Polish version It will open in a new window

EGM 2023

We invite you to see the recorded video transmission of EGM, which took place on 12 January 2023 between 9.30-10.00 (Polish time).

Webcast It will open in a new window

EGM 2023, 12.01.2023 9:30  
The resolutions adopted by the Santander Bank Polska S.A. Extraordinary General Meeting on 12 January 2023 with their corresponding voting results. PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Announcement of the convening Extraordinary General Meeting
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Information on the total number of shares and respective voting rights
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Draft Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Rationale for Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 5 of the Agenda
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 6 of the Agenda:


PDF It will open in a new window

Supervisory Board Resolution no. 111/2022

PDF It will open in a new window

Report on the independent evaluation of the effectiveness of the Supervisory Board of Santander Bank Polska S.A.

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 7 of the Agenda:


PDF It will open in a new window

Supervisory Board Resolution no. 63/2022

PDF It will open in a new window

The Supervisory Board Members of Santander Bank Polska S.A. Suitability Assessment Policy

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 8 of the Agenda:


PDF It will open in a new window

Supervisory Board Terms of Reference

LINK It will open in a new window
  1. Template of the power of attorney for voting proxies
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Remote Voting System manual
PPS It will open in a new window

Polish version It will open in a new window

AGM 2022

We invite you to see the recorded video transmission of AGM, which took place on 27 April 2022
between 9.30 -11.30 (Polish time).

Webcast It will open in a new window

AGM 27.04.2022 (9:30)  
The resolutions adopted by the Santander Bank Polska S.A. Annual General Meeting on 27 April 2022 with their corresponding voting results. PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Announcement of the convening Annual General Meetin
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Information on the total number of shares and respective voting rights
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Draft Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Rationale for Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding items 5-7 of the Agenda
Link It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 10 of the Agenda:

Supervisory Board’s report on remunerations of the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of Santander Bank Polska S.A. in 2021

PDF It will open in a new window

Auditors report

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 11 of the Agenda:

Appendix no. 1 to the draft resolution re. item 11 of the agenda

PDF It will open in a new window

Appendix no. 2 to the draft resolution re. item 11 of the agenda

PDF It will open in a new window

Appendix no. 3 to the draft resolution re. item 11 of the agenda

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 14 of the Agenda

Appendix no. 1 to the draft resolution re. item 14 of the agenda

PDF It will open in a new window

Appendix no. 2 to the draft resolution re. item 14 of the agenda

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Dokumentacja dla Walnego Zgromadzenia, do punktu 17 porządku obrad:


PDF It will open in a new window

The Supervisory Board Members of Santander Bank Polska S.A. Suitability Assessment Policy

PDF It will open in a new window

The Supervisory Board Members of Santander Bank Polska S.A. Appointing and Succession Policy

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 18 of the Agenda:


PDF It will open in a new window

Supervisory Board Terms of Reference

Link It will open in a new window
  1. Template of the power of attorney for voting proxies
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Remote Voting System manual
PPS It will open in a new window



AGM 2021

We invite you to see the recorded video transmission of AGM, which took place on 22 March 2021
between 9.30 -11.30 (Polish time).

Webcast It will open in a new window MP3 It will open in a new window

AGM 22.03.2021 (9:30)
The resolutions adopted by the Santander Bank Polska S.A. Annual General Meeting on 22 March 2021 with their corresponding voting results. PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Announcement of the convening Annual General Meeting
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Information on the total number of shares and respective voting rights
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Draft Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Rationale for Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding items 5-7 of the Agenda
Link It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 10 of the Agenda:

Supervisory Board’s report on remunerations of the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of Santander Bank Polska S.A. in 2019 and 2020

PDF It will open in a new window

Auditors report

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 11 of the Agenda:

Appendix no. 1 to the draft resolution re. item 11 of the agenda

PDF It will open in a new window

Appendix no. 2 to the draft resolution re. item 11 of the agenda

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 16 of the Agenda:

Information on Polish Financial Supervision Authority Chairman’s proposal related to F/X mortgage portfolio (CHF)

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 18 of the Agenda:


PDF It will open in a new window

Supervisory Board Resolution no. 93/2020 dated 9 December 2020

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Template of the power of attorney for voting proxies
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Remote Voting System manual
PPS It will open in a new window
  1. The motion of a shareholder dated 8 March 2021 on draft of the resolutions to items 13, 14 and 15 of the Agenda
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Information for Shareholders to items 13 and 14 of the Agenda (published on 8 March 2021)
PDF It will open in a new window

Draft resolutions and a template of the form allowing to exercise a voting right by a proxy takes into account the draft resolutions, which were published in current reports no. 7/2021 dated 8 March 2021 and no. 8/2021 dated 17 March 2021.

AGM 2020

We invite you to see the recorded video transmission of AGM, which took place on 22 June 2020
between 10.30 -12.30 (Polish time).

Webcast It will open in a new window MP3 It will open in a new window

AGM 22.06.2020  
The resolutions adopted by the Santander Bank Polska S.A. Annual General Meeting on 22 June 2020 with their corresponding voting results PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Announcement of the pending Annual General Meeting
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Information on the total number of shares and respective voting rights
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Draft Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window

Appendix no. 1 to the draft resolution re item 10 of the agenda

PDF It will open in a new window

Appendix no. 2 to the draft resolution re item 10 of the agenda

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Rationale for Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 5 of the Agenda:

Financial Statements of Santander Bank Polska S.A. for 2019

PDF It will open in a new window

Opinion and Report of The Independent Auditor

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 6 of the Agenda:

Consolidated Financial Statements of Santander Bank Polska S.A. Group For 2019

PDF It will open in a new window

Opinion and Report of The Independent Auditor

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 7 of the Agenda:

Management Board Report on Santander Bank Polska S.A. Group Performance in 2019 (including Management Board Report on Santander Bank Polska S.A. Performance)

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Statement of Supervisory Board
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Template of the power of attorney for voting proxies
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Remote Voting System manual
ZIP It will open in a new window
  1. Questions asked by the shareholder during the Annual General Meeting on 22 June 2020, together with the answers given.
PDF It will open in a new window

EGM|AGM 2019

Below you will find the information related to:

  1. Extraordinary General Meeting of Santander Bank Polska S.A., which will take place on 23rd September 2019
  2. Annual General Meeting of Santander Bank Polska S.A., which will take place on 16th May 2019

We invite you to see the recorded video transmission of EGM, which took place on 23 September 2019
between 15.30-16.00 (Polish time).

Webcast It will open in a new window MP3 It will open in a new window

We invite you to see the recorded video transmission of AGM, which took place on 16 May 2019
between 9.30-11.00 (Polish time).

Webcast It will open in a new window MP3 It will open in a new window

EGM 23.09.2019  
The resolutions adopted by the Santander Bank Polska S.A. Extraordinary General Meeting on 23 September 2019 with their corresponding voting results PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Announcement of the convening Extraordinary General Meeting
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Information on the total number of shares and respective voting rights
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Draft Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window

Appendix to the EGM draft resolution covered by item 6 of the Agenda

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Rationale for Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Information for Shareholders to item no. 9 of the Agenda
PDF It will open in a new window

5.1. Supervisory Board Resolution no. 45/2019 dated 6 June 2019

PDF It will open in a new window

5.2. Supervisory Board Resolution no. 45/2019 dated 6 June 2019 - Appendix no.  1

PDF It will open in a new window

5.3. Supervisory Board Resolution no. 45/2019 dated 6 June 2019 - Appendix no.  2

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Template of the power of attorney for voting proxies
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Remote Voting System manual
ZIP(PPS) It will open in a new window
  1. Information for Shareholders to item 7 of the Agenda (published on 13 September 2019)
PDF It will open in a new window

Draft resolutions and a template of the form allowing to exercise a voting right by a proxy takes into account the draft resolutions, which were published in current report no. 26/2019 It will open in a new window dated 12 September 2019

AGM 16.05.2019  
The resolutions adopted by the Santander Bank Polska S.A. Annual General Meeting on 16th May 2019 with their corresponding voting results PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Announcement of the pending Annual General Meeting
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Information on the total number of shares and respective voting rights
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Draft Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window

Annexes to the draft resolution of the Annual General Meeting, regarding item 10 of the Agenda


Annex no. 1

PDF It will open in a new window

Annex no. 2

PDF It will open in a new window
Annexes to the draft resolution of the Annual General Meeting, regarding item 14 of the Agenda  

Annex no. 1

PDF It will open in a new window

Annex no. 2

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Rationale for Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 5 of the Agenda:

Financial Statements of Santander Bank Polska S.A. for 2018

PDF It will open in a new window

Opinion and Report of The Independent Auditor

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 6 of the Agenda:

Consolidated Financial Statements of Santander Bank Polska S.A. Group For 2018

PDF It will open in a new window

Opinion and Report of The Independent Auditor

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 7 of the Agenda:

Management Board Report on Santander Bank Polska S.A. Group Performance in 2018 (including Management Board Report on Santander Bank Polska S.A. Performance)

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Statement of Supervisory Board
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Template of the power of attorney for voting proxies
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Remote Voting System manual
ZIP(PPS) It will open in a new window

EGM|AGM 2018

Below you will find the information related to:

  1. Extraordinary General Meeting of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., which will take place on 29th May 2018
  2. Annual General Meeting of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., which will take place on 16th May 2018

We invite you to see the recorded video transmission of EGM, which took place on 29 May 2018
between 10.30-11.00 (Polish time)

Webcast It will open in a new window

We invite you to see the recorded video transmission of AGM, which took place on 16 May 2018
between 9.30-11.00 (Polish time).

Webcast It will open in a new window

EGM 29.05.2018  
The resolutions adopted by the BZWBK Extraordinary General Meeting on 29th May 2018 with their corresponding voting results PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Announcement of the pending General Meeting of Shareholders
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Information on the total number of shares and respective voting rights
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Draft Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Rationale for the draft resolution regarding the demerger of Deutsche Bank Polska S.A. including the increase in the share capital of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. (“the Bank”), the amendment of the statute of the Bank, the dematerialisation of the series N shares in the Bank and the seeking of the admission and introduction thereof to trading on the main market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Template of the power of attorney for voting proxies
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Remote Voting System manual
PPS It will open in a new window


Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 6 of the Agenda including appendix no. 1 to the Resolution of the General Meeting covered by the item 6 of the agenda, published according to the Article 540 § 1 of the Commercial Companies Code, is posted here It will open in a new window

AGM 16.05.2018  
The resolutions adopted by the BZWBK Annual General Meeting on 16th May 2018 with their corresponding voting results PDF It will open in a new window

Annex to the AGM Resolution no. 20

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Announcement of the pending General Meeting of Shareholders
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Information on the total number of shares and respective voting rights
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Draft Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window

Annex to the draft resolution of the Annual General Meeting, regarding item 10 of the Agenda

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Rationale for Resolutions
PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 5 of the Agenda:

Financial Statements of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. for 2017

PDF It will open in a new window

Opinion and Report of The Independent Auditor

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 6 of the Agenda:

Consolidated Financial Statements of Bank Zachodni WBK Group For 2017

PDF It will open in a new window

Opinion and Report of The Independent Auditor

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Documentation for the Shareholders, regarding item 7 of the Agenda:

Management Board Report on Bank Zachodni WBK Group Performance in 2017 (including Management Board Report on Bank Zachodni WBK Performance)

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Template of the power of attorney for voting proxies
PDF It will open in a new window

Annex to the draft resolution of the Annual General Meeting, regarding item 10 of the Agenda

PDF It will open in a new window
  1. Remote Voting System manual
PPS It will open in a new window

Please be informed that the paper version of documentation for shareholders will not be provided.

