Current Report no. 16 (2012)

10 may 2012

Selection of auditor

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. (“Bank”) would like to advise that on 10 May 2012, pursuant to §32 point 10 of the Bank’s Statutes and industry standards, the Supervisory Board passed a resolution whereby was selected Deloitte Audyt Sp. z o.o. to:


  • review of Bank’s semi-annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements of BZ WBK Group for the first half of 2012,
  • audit of Bank’s financial statements and consolidated financial statements of BZ WBK Group for the year 2012.

Data of the selected auditor:
Deloitte Audyt Sp. z o.o., ul. Al. Jana Pawła II 19, 00-854 Warszawa. Legal basis: Deloitte Audyt Sp. z o.o. is listed under no. 73 on the list of entities entitled to audit financial statements.

The Bank contracted Deloitte Audyt Sp. z o.o and other companies from Deloitte Group for consulting and tax advisory services. According to Bank’s opinion provided services do not influence assurance of appropriate level of the auditor’s neutrality and independence.

The Bank will sign agreements with Deloitte Audyt Sp. z o.o. for the terms required to carry out the specified works.

Legal basis:
§ 5 clause 1 point 19 of the Ministry of Finance ordinance dated February 19, 2009 re. current and financial reporting by securities issuers and conditions for treatment as equivalent of information provided under law of non-member states.