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17 Dec, 2008

Change in the composition of Bank Zachodni WBK Management Board (Current report no. 63/2008)

On 16 December 2008, Bank Zachodni WBK Supervisory Board adopted a resolution on appointing Michael McCarthy the BZWBK Management Board Member. Michael McCarthy will take up his role on 1 February 2009 and will be in charge of the Business Banking Division that will be established soon.

Michael McCarthy was born on 1 November 1966. He has been with AIB Group since 1984 and worked in the retail, business and electronic banking. Since 2002, he has been the Head of Card Issuing AIB RoI & UK. Michael McCarthy graduated from the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Institute of Bankers and from Manchester Business School (MBA).

Michael McCarthy does not conduct any business operations competitive to the Bank and is not listed in the Insolvent Debtors Register kept under the National Court Register Act.

Legal grounds:

§ 5 section 1 point 22 of Finance Minister’s Ordinance dated 19/10/2005 re. current and interim information provided by securities issuers.

16 Dec, 2008

Publishing dates for periodic reports (Current report no. 62/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. hereby announces the publishing dates for its periodic reports in 2009:

  • Consolidated Quarterly Report for Q4 2008 - 2 March 2009
  • Stand-alone Annual Report for 2008 - 2 March 2009
  • Consolidated Annual Report for 2008 - 2 March 2009
  • Consolidated Quarterly Report for Q1 2009 - 14 May 2009
  • Consolidated Quarterly Report for Q2 2009 - 5 August 2009
  • Consolidated Half-Yearly Report for H1 2009 - 5 August 2009
  • Consolidated Quarterly Report for Q3 2009 - 13 November 2009
  • Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. also advises that the publishing dates for Consolidated Quarterly Report for Q4 2008, Stand-alone Annual Report for 2008 and Consolidated Annual Report for 2008 have been changed from 24 February 2009 as indicated in current report No 6/2008 to 2 March 2009 as indicated above.

Furthermore, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. informs that its consolidated quarterly and half-yearly reports will provide quarterly financial statements and condensed half-yearly financial statements, respectively.

Legal grounds:

§ 100 section 1 i 2 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance dated 19 October 2005 on current and periodic information submitted by issuers of securities (Journal of Laws of 2005, No 209, item 1744 as amended).

01 Dec, 2008

Purchase and redemption of bonds issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. II Program Emisyjny Obligacji Lokacyjnych (2nd Savings Bond Issue Program) (Current report no. 61/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. (the Bank) informs as follows:

  • Pursuant to item 8 of the 5S1208 series bonds Prospectus, published by the Bank as a current report no. 58/2003 on 27 November, 2003, on 1 December, 2008, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. purchased and redeemed 618 736 (six hundred eighteen thousand seven hundred thirty six) bonds, i.e. all ordinary 5S1208 series (ISIN code PLBZ00000143) bearer bonds issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. under II Program Emisyjny Obligacji Lokacyjnych (2nd Savings Bond Issue Program).
  • The day of purchasing 5S1208 series bonds was defined in the above mentioned 5S1208 series bonds Prospectus.
  • The purchase value of one redeemed bond totalled PLN 100 (one hundred zlotys) and was equal to its nominal value.

Legal basis:

§5 clause 1 point 6) of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance dated 19 October 2005 on the current and periodical information delivered by the issuers of securities (Journal of Laws no. 209, item 1744)

28 Nov, 2008

Fitch Places Poland's Bank Zachodni WBK’s Long and Short-Term IDRs on Rating Watch Negative (Current report no. 60/2008)

Fitch Ratings-London/Warsaw-28 November 2008: Fitch Ratings has today placed Poland-based Bank Zachodni WBK's (BZ WBK) Long-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) of 'A+', and Short-term IDR of 'F1' on Rating Watch Negative (RWN). At the same time, the agency has affirmed BZ WBK’s Individual 'C' and Support '1' ratings.

The rating action reflects the placement of Allied Irish Banks’ (AIB - 'AA-' (AA minus)/RWN) Long-term IDR and Individual rating on RWN today, AIB is BZ WBK's controlling shareholder. For more details, please see the 28 November 2008 commentary “Fitch Places Five Irish Credit Institutions on Rating Watch Negative” available on the agency’s public website, BZ WBK's Long- and Short-term IDRs and Support ratings are based on the extremely high potential for support from AIB, in case of need.

"The affirmation of BZ WBK's Indivdual rating reflects the bank's unchanged strong market position, solid balance sheet, profitability, liquidity and adequate capitalisation," says Artur Szeski, Director with Fitch's Financial Institutions Group. "Although its risk profile changed slightly due to fast growth of consumer lending and increased exposure to FX-denominated mortgages, the latter constitutes a still low 5% of total lending and is expected to decline. Asset quality continued to improve and is better than sector average. Nevertheless, the relatively large exposure of BZ WBK to commercial and residential real estate development remains a concern given the expected slowdown and price correction of real estate markets. These exposures coupled with the overall fast growth in lending could result in an increase of impairment charges from the unsustainably low levels seen recently."

BZ WBK’s liquidity had tightened marginally over 2008, but remains strong with a loan to deposit ratio of 86% at end-3Q08 compared with around 116% for the sector. With funding coming mostly from customer deposits (83% of non-equity funding at end-3Q08), the bank’s dependence on wholesale markets is limited.

BZ WBK is Poland's fifth-largest bank with a 5% share of sector assets. The bank operates 466 branches and had 9,717 full-time employees at end-June 2008.

AIB is one of the largest banks in Ireland with EUR9.1bn of equity and EUR183bn of assets at end-June 2008. AIB acquired a 60.1% stake in WBK between 1995 and 1996. In 1999, AIB acquired 80% of Bank Zachodni SA from the Polish State Treasury, and in 2001 merged it with WBK to create BZ WBK, in which AIB currently has a 70.5% stake.

Contact: Artur Szeski, Warsaw, Tel: +48 22 338 6292; Mark Young, London, +44 (0) 20 7417 4268.

Fitch's rating definitions and the terms of use of such ratings are available on the agency's public site, Published ratings, criteria and methodologies are available from this site, at all times. Fitch's code of conduct, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, affiliate firewall, compliance and other relevant policies and procedures are also available from the 'Code of Conduct' section of this site.

Legal basis:

§ 5 clause 1 item 26 of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance, dated 19 october 2005, with regard to current and periodic informations sent by issuers of securities §5 clause 1 point 6) of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance dated 19 October 2005 on the current and periodical information delivered by the issuers of securities (Journal of Laws no. 209, item 1744)

13 Nov, 2008

Information about the purchase by BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. of Bank Zachodni WBK bonds (2nd Program of Investment Bonds Issue) (Current report no. 59/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. informs as follows:

  • On 13 November 2008, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. received from BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. - a subsidiary – information that on 12 November 2008, BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. purchased on the MTS-CeTO market 549 573 ordinary bearer bonds of 5S1208 series (ISIN code PLBZ00000143), issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. under the 2nd Investments Bonds Issue Programme.
  • The nominal value per bond is PLN 100. The average purchase price per bond was PLN 98.33 (say: ninety eight zloty 33/100).
  • The above-mentioned bonds were purchased pursuant to BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. Articles of Association, i.e. with the consent of its Supervisory Board.
  • The purchase was exercised as a follow up of the agreement concluded on 1 June 2005 between Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. and BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z
    o.o. about which Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. advised in its report no. 12/2005 on 2 June 2005, and as a follow up of an annex to that agreement concluded on 31 August 2005 - the Bank advised about this annex in its report no. 16/2005 on 31 August 2005. The aim of this transaction was to fulfil all the assumptions of the re-purchase process of bonds issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. under the 2nd Investments Bonds Issue Programme.
  • BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. intends to maintain the purchased bonds until their redemption.

Legal basis:

§5 clause 1 point 6 of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance dated 19 October 2005 on the current and periodical information delivered by the issuers of securities (Journal of Laws no. 209, item 1744).

12 Nov, 2008

Information of the disposal of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 58/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. (the Bank) informs as follows:

  • Pursuant to item 8 of the 5S1208 series bonds Prospectus, published by the Bank as a current report no. 58/2003 on 27 November, 2003, on 1 December, 2008, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. purchased and redeemed 618 736 (six hundred eighteen thousand seven hundred thirty six) bonds, i.e. all ordinary 5S1208 series (ISIN code PLBZ00000143) bearer bonds issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. under II Program Emisyjny Obligacji Lokacyjnych (2nd Savings Bond Issue Program).
  • The day of purchasing 5S1208 series bonds was defined in the above mentioned 5S1208 series bonds Prospectus.
  • The purchase value of one redeemed bond totalled PLN 100 (one hundred zlotys) and was equal to its nominal value.

Legal basis:

§5 clause 1 point 6) of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance dated 19 October 2005 on the current and periodical information delivered by the issuers of securities (Journal of Laws no. 209, item 1744)

10 Nov, 2008

Purchase and redemption of bonds issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. under II Program Emisyjny Obligacji Lokacyjnych (2nd Savings Bond Issue Program) (Current report no. 57/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. (the Bank) informs as follows:

  • Pursuant to item 8 of the 5S1108 series bonds Prospectus, published by the Bank as a current report no. 51/2003 on 6 November, 2003, on 10 November, 2008, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. purchased and redeemed 99 527 (ninety nine thousand five hundred twenty seven) bonds, i.e. all ordinary 5S1108 series (ISIN code PLBZ00000119) bearer bonds issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. under II Program Emisyjny Obligacji Lokacyjnych (2nd Savings Bond Issue Program).
  • The day of purchasing 5S1108 series bonds was defined in the above mentioned 5S1108 series bonds Prospectus.
  • The purchase value of one redeemed bond totalled PLN 100 (one hundred zlotys) and was equal to its nominal value.

Legal basis:

§5 clause 1 point 6) of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance dated 19 October 2005 on the current and periodical information delivered by the issuers of securities (Journal of Laws no. 209, item 1744)

03 Nov, 2008

Information of the disposal of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 56/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member sold as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions

  • on 24 October 2008 610 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for 94,45 PLN per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

23 Oct, 2008

Information on the purchase of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 55/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member bought

  • as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions on 17 October 2008 933 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for 102,98 PLN per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

23 Oct, 2008

Purchase and redemption of bonds issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A under II Program Emisyjny Obligacji Lokacyjnych (2nd Savings Bond Issue Program) (Current report no. 54/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. (the Bank) informs as follows:

  • Pursuant to item 8 of the 5S1008 series bonds Prospectus, published by the Bank as a current report no. 46/2003 on 22 October, 2003, on 23 October, 2008, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. purchased and redeemed 70 915 (seventy thousand nine hundred fifteen) bonds, i.e. all ordinary 5S1008 series (ISIN code PLBZ00000101) bearer bonds issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. under II Program Emisyjny Obligacji Lokacyjnych (2nd Savings Bond Issue Program).
  • The day of purchasing 5S1008 series bonds was defined in the above mentioned 5S1008 series bonds Prospectus.
  • The purchase value of one redeemed bond totalled PLN 100 (one hundred zlotys) and was equal to its nominal value.

Legal basis:

§5 clause 1 point 6) of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance dated 19 October 2005 on the current and periodical information delivered by the issuers of securities (Journal of Laws no. 209, item 1744)

22 Oct, 2008

Information about the purchase by BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. of Bank Zachodni WBK bonds (2nd Program of Investment Bonds Issue) (Current report no. 53/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. informs as follows:

  • On 22 October 2008, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. received from BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. - a subsidiary – information that on 21 October 2008, BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. purchased on the MTS-CeTO market 1 485 (one thousand four hundred eighty five) ordinary bearer bonds of 5S1108 series (ISIN code PLBZ00000119), issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. under the 2nd Investments Bonds Issue Programme.
  • The nominal value per bond is PLN 100. The average purchase price per bond was PLN 98.41 (say: ninety eight zloty 41/100).
  • The above-mentioned bonds were purchased pursuant to BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. Articles of Association, i.e. with the consent of its Supervisory Board.
  • The purchase was exercised as a follow up of the agreement concluded on 1 June 2005 between Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. and BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. about which Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. advised in its report no. 12/2005 on 2 June 2005, and as a follow up of an annex to that agreement concluded on 31 August 2005 - the Bank advised about this annex in its report no. 16/2005 on 31 August 2005. The aim of this transaction was to fulfil all the assumptions of the re-purchase process of bonds issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. under the 2nd Investments Bonds Issue Programme.
  • BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. intends to maintain the purchased bonds until their redemption.

Legal basis:

§5 clause 1 point 6 of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance dated 19 October 2005 on the current and periodical information delivered by the issuers of securities (Journal of Laws no. 209, item 1744)

21 Oct, 2008

Information on the purchase of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 52/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member bought as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions on:

  • 10 October 2008 11 621 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for 118,32 PLN per share;
  • 16 October 2008 10 194 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for 114,48 PLN per share;

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

21 Oct, 2008

Information about the purchase by BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. of Bank Zachodni WBK bonds (2nd Program of Investment Bonds Issue) (Current report no. 51/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. informs as follows:

  • On 21 October 2008, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. received from BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. - a subsidiary – information that on 20 October 2008, BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. purchased on the MTS-CeTO market 81 276 (eighty one thousand two hundred seventy six) ordinary bearer bonds of 5S1108 series (ISIN code PLBZ00000119), issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. under the 2nd Investments Bonds Issue Programme.
  • The nominal value per bond is PLN 100. The average purchase price per bond was PLN 98.41 (say: ninety eight zloty 41/100).
  • The above-mentioned bonds were purchased pursuant to BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. Articles of Association, i.e. with the consent of its Supervisory Board.
  • The purchase was exercised as a follow up of the agreement concluded on 1 June 2005 between Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. and BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. about which Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. advised in its report no. 12/2005 on 2 June 2005, and as a follow up of an annex to that agreement concluded on 31 August 2005 - the Bank advised about this annex in its report no. 16/2005 on 31 August 2005. The aim of this transaction was to fulfil all the assumptions of the re-purchase process of bonds issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. under the 2nd Investments Bonds Issue Programme.
  • BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. intends to maintain the purchased bonds until their redemption.

Legal basis:

§5 clause 1 point 6 of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance dated 19 October 2005 on the current and periodical information delivered by the issuers of securities (Journal of Laws no. 209, item 1744)

03 Oct, 2008

Information about the purchase by BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. of Bank Zachodni WBK bonds (2nd Program of Investment Bonds Issue) (Current report no. 50/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. informs as follows:

  • On 3 October 2008, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. received from BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. - a subsidiary – information that
  • on 2 October 2008, BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. purchased on the MTS-CeTO market 59 299 (say fifty nine thousand two hundred ninety nine) ordinary bearer bonds of 5S1008 series (ISIN code PLBZ00000101), issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. under the 2nd Investments Bonds Issue Programme.
  • The nominal value per bond is PLN 100. The average purchase price per bond was PLN 98.56 (say: ninety eight zloty 56/100).
  • The above-mentioned bonds were purchased pursuant to BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. Articles of Association, i.e. with the consent of its Supervisory Board.
  • The purchase was exercised as a follow up of the agreement concluded on 1 June 2005 between Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. and BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. about which Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. advised in its report no. 12/2005 on 2 June 2005, and as a follow up of an annex to that agreement concluded on 31 August 2005 - the Bank advised about this annex in its report no. 16/2005 on 31 August 2005. The aim of this transaction was to fulfil all the assumptions of the re-purchase process of bonds issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. under the 2nd Investments Bonds Issue Programme.
  • BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. intends to maintain the purchased bonds until their redemption.

Legal basis:

§5 clause 1 point 6 of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance dated 19 October 2005 on the current and periodical information delivered by the issuers of securities (Journal of Laws no. 209, item 1744),

26 Sep, 2008

Information on the purchase of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 49/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member

  • bought as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions on 18 September 2008 15 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 153,42 per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

24 Sep, 2008

Information on the purchase of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 48/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member bought as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions:

  • on 15 September 2008 5 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 156,00 per share;
  • on 16 September 2008 10 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 153,00 per share;
  • on 17 September 2008 10 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 149,56 per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

11 Aug, 2008

Information of the disposal of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 47/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member sold as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions

  • on 05 August 2008 22 870 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 172,70 per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

07 Aug, 2008

BZ WBK Leasing S.A.’S share capital increase (Current report no. 46/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. hereby advises that on 6.August 2008 it received information whereby the Regional Court of Poznań - Nowe Miasto & Wilda, 8th Commercial Department of the National Court Register had registered the increase of BZ WBK Leasing S.A.’s share capital on 28. July 2008 from PLN 108 192 000,00 (one hundred and eight million one hundred ninety two thousand) to PLN 121 692 000.00 (one hundred and twenty one million six hundred ninety two thousand). Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., as a result of taking up new issue shares for money contribution, will hold a 99.99% stake in the Company’s share capital and 99.99% of votes at the Shareholders’ General Meeting of BZ WBK Leasing S.A.

BZ WBK Leasing SA is BZ WBK S.A.’s subsidiary. (BZ WBK S.A. holds a 99.99% stake in BZ WBK Leasing S.A. share capital and 99.99% of votes at the BZ WBK Leasing S.A. Shareholders’ General Meeting).

Legal basis:

§ 5 sec. 1 it. 9 of the Ordinance of the Finance Minister on current and periodic reports submitted by issuers of securities, dated October 19, 2005 (Journal of Laws) 05.209.1744)

07 Aug, 2008

BZ WBK Finanse & Leasing S.A.’S share capital increase (Current report no. 45/2008)

Miasto & Wilda, 8th Commercial Department of the National Court Register had registered the increase of BZ WBK Finanse & Leasing S.A.’s share capital on 28.July 2008 from PLN 37 000 000.00 (thirty seven million) to PLN 50 500 000.00 (fifty million five hundred thousand). Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., as a result of taking up new issue shares for money contribution, will hold a 99.99% stake in the Company’s share capital and 99.99% of votes at the Shareholders’ General Meeting of BZ WBK Finanse & Leasing S.A.

BZ WBK Finanse & Leasing SA is BZ WBK S.A.’s subsidiary. (BZ WBK S.A. holds a 99.99% stake in BZ WBK Finanse & Leasing S.A. share capital and 99.99% of votes at the BZ WBK Finanse & Leasing S.A. Shareholders’ General Meeting).

Legal basis:

to § 5 sec. 1 it. 9 of the Ordinance of the Finance Minister on current and periodic reports submitted by issuers of securities, dated October 19, 2005 (Journal of Laws 05.209.1744),

06 Aug, 2008

Information of the disposal of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 44/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member sold as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions

  • on 30 July 2008 32 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 162,43 per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

04 Aug, 2008

Information of the disposal of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 43/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member sold as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions:

  • on 25 July 2008 20 600 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 149,71 per share,
  • on 28 July 2008 10 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 151,06 per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005.

31 July 2008

Registration of amendments to the Statutes of BZWBK accepted by the AGM in the National Court Register (Current report no. 42/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. advises that on 31 July 2008 it was informed that on 25 July 2008 the District Court for Wrocław-Fabryczna, VI Commercial Section of the National Court Register entered into the National Court Register the changes in the BZWBK Statutes approved by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 18 April 2008. (ref. WR. VI NS-REJ.KRS/14285/08/90).

Consolidated text of the Bank's Statutes, reflecting the changes, was contained in the current report no. 22/2008 of 18.04.2008.

Previous wording:
§ 7 section 2 point 11” 11) agency in selling insurance, lease, factoring, forfeiting and franchising products,”

§ 7 section 2 point 11 shall now read:
“11) insurance intermediation and agency in selling lease, factoring, forfeiting and franchising products”;

Previous wording:
§ 7 section 3 “3. The Bank can also perform, upon the request of other banks, the operations referred to in Sections 1 and 2, as long as these operations fall within the scope of the mandating bank’s activities.”

§7 section 3 shall now read:
“3.The Bank can also perform, upon the request of other entities, the operations referred to in Sections 1 and 2, as long as these operations fall within the scope of the mandating entity’s activities,”.

Previous wording:
§ 24 section 3 “ 3.The General Meeting resolution on the decision not to discuss an item put on the agenda at the request of shareholders can be passed by 75% majority of votes, prior to an approval of all shareholders who tabled the motion.”

section 3 of §24 is deleted.

Previous wording:
In a given financial year, the entity acting as a certified auditor of the financial report issued by the Bank or by its subsidiaries for the current year, discussed in separate regulations, cannot act as the auditor responsible for special issues.”

§241 is deleted.

Previous wording:
1.The Supervisory Board consists of at least 5 (five) members appointed for a joint three year term of office. Members and Chairman of the Supervisory Board are appointed and recalled by the General Shareholders’ Meeting. The Management Board informs the Banking Supervision Commission about the composition of the Supervisory Board. At least half of the Supervisory Board's members, including its Chairman, should hold Polish citizenship.
2.At least two of the Supervisory Board’s members should be independent members, including an independent chairman of audit committee. The independent members of the Supervisory Board should be free from any connections with the company and shareholders or employees, which could significantly impact the capacity of the independent member to take objective decisions.
3. The Supervisory Board’s independent member, referred to in sec. 2, cannot be specifically the person:
1)who was the member of the Bank’s Management Board over the period of last 3 years,
2)who was the chartered auditor or employee of the entity authorized to examine the Bank’s financial reports over the period of last 3 years,
3)who, directly or indirectly, receives from the Bank the remuneration different from the one arising from the function of the Supervisory Board member, which would have significant impact on taking independent decisions,
4)who holds, directly or indirectly, more than 1% of the Bank’s shares
5)who is a next of kin to the members of the Supervisory Board and the Management Board and also to the persons referred to in points 1-4, where the next of kin shall mean a spouse, own child or an adopted child under 18, family member or other person who is in the same household with the member of the Supervisory Board.
4. Without the consent of the majority of independent members of the Supervisory Board, the resolutions cannot be adopted with regard to the issues referred to in:
1)§ 32 point 4 and 5 of the Statutes, if the agreement with the entity connected with the Bank has to be concluded, the member of the Bank’s Supervisory Board or the Bank’s Management Board and the entities connected with them,
2)§32 point 7 and 10 of the Statutes.

- in section 1, in the third sentence the expression “Banking” shall be replaced by “Financial”;
- section 2 shall now read:
“2. At least two members of the Supervisory Board should meet the criteria of being independent from the company and entities with significant connections with the company. The criteria of independence of Supervisory Board members are defined in the Terms of Reference of the Bank's Supervisory Board”;
- sections 3 and 4 are deleted.

Previous wording:
point 2 “2)approve annual and long-term development plans for the Bank and financial plans for its operations prepared by the Management Board;
points 11 i 12
“11) apply to the Banking Supervision Commission for a consent to appoint two members of the Management Board of the Bank, including the President;
12) informing the Banking Supervision Commission on other Management Board members and, each time, on changes to the Management Board composition and those who, based on the internal split of responsibilities, are responsible for the operation of the Internal Audit Function and for credit risk management;”,
point 15 “15) present the concise assessment of the Bank’s standing to the AGM on an annual basis. “

- in point 2, the following word shall be introduced after the comma: “Bank’s business strategy as well as prudent and stable management of the Bank,”;
- in points 11 and 12 the expression “Banking” shall be replaced by “Financial”;
- in point 15, the dot shall be replaced by the comma and the following wording shall be introduced after the comma: “including evaluation of the internal control system and the material risk management system,”;
- shall be amended to include points 16 and 17 which read as follows:
“16) approval of the Bank’s business activity risk management policy as defined by the Management Board and the acceptable total risk exposure,
17) approval of the internal capital estimation and maintenance policy as defined by the Management Board.”.

Previous wording:
§37 section 3 point 1 and point 2
“ 1) in particular, President of the Management Board is in charge of the internal audit unit and credit risk management function,
2) the branch network reports to the Management Board member the appointment of which requires approval of the Banking Supervision Commission.”
§37 section 3
point 1 will read as follows: "1) in particular, President of the Management Board is in charge of the internal audit unit and risk management function, including credit risk management,”;
in point 2 the expression “Banking” shall be replaced by “Financial”.

Previous wording:
1. The Bank operates an internal control system, which support decision-making processes to ensure effectiveness and efficiency of the Bank’s activities, reliability of financial reporting and compliance of the Bank’s actions with legal requirements and internal regulations.
2. The internal control system includes:
1) a clearly defined management structure, with defined lines of authority and accountability,
2) control performed by each Bank employee and his/her line manager and persons co- operating with them – in order to ensure compliance of the employees’ actions with legal requirements and internal regulations and to respond to any existing deficiencies on an ongoing basis,
3) a comprehensive annual budgeting and financial reporting system, which incorporates clearly-defined and communicated common accounting policies and financial control procedures, including those relating to authorisation limits,
4) appropriate policies and procedures relating to capital management, asset and liability management, credit risk management and operational risk management,
5) business continuity planning and physical and computer security,
6) activities of the Internal Audit Function, which is responsible for the independent and objective audit and evaluation of the adequacy and effectiveness of the Bank’s internal control system and for providing its opinion concerning the management of the Bank’s activity, including the effectiveness of management of risks connected with this activity.
3. The Bank’s Management Board is responsible for designing, implementing and functioning of the system of internal control.
4. The Supervisory Board is responsible for the supervision over the implementation of the internal control system and for assessing its adequacy and effectiveness.
5. The Supervisory Board opines on the appointment the of Head of the Internal Audit by the Management Board as well as termination of his/her employment and rules of compensating members of the Internal Audit Function.
6. The Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board supervises the activity of the Internal Audit Function.
7. The results of internal audits together with the recommendations are provided periodically to the Management Board and the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board.”

§42 shall now read:
1.The Bank operates an internal control system, which supports decision-making processes to ensure effectiveness and efficiency of the Bank’s activities, reliability of financial reporting and compliance of the Bank’s actions with legal requirements and internal regulations.
2.The internal control system includes:
1) risk controls,
2) monitoring and testing of Bank’s compliance with external and internal regulations,
3) internal audit.
3.The Internal Audit Function is responsible for the independent and objective audit and evaluation of the adequacy and effectiveness of the Bank’s internal control system and for providing its opinion concerning the management of the Bank’s activity, including the effectiveness of management of risks connected with this activity.
4.The Bank’s Management Board is responsible for designing, implementing and functioning of the system of internal control.
5.The Supervisory Board is responsible for the supervision over the implementation of the internal control system and for assessing its adequacy and effectiveness.
6.The Supervisory Board opines on the appointment of the Head of the Internal Audit by the Management Board as well as termination of his/her employment and rules of compensating members of the Internal Audit Function.
7.The Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board supervises the activity of the Internal Audit Function.
8.Information on identified irregularities, findings from internal audits and actions taken to remove these problems is provided periodically (at least once a year) to the Supervisory Board.
9.Internal control procedures are defined in detail by the Management Board, by way of a resolution (which is subject to the Supervisory Board’s approval).”

Previous wording:
§44 point 2 and point 3
“2) supplementary funds,
3) items reducing the Bank’s equity”.

point 3 is deleted and in point 2 the dot shall be replaced by the comma.

Previous wording:
§46 section 2, first sentence
“2.The reserve capital is earmarked for covering balance sheet losses, should they exceed the supplementary capital.”

section 2, the first sentence shall now read: “2. The reserve capital is earmarked for covering balance sheet losses, should they exceed the supplementary capital, or for other purposes.”.

Previous wording:
The Banking Law and other detailed regulations specify the principles of incorporating other items into the Bank’s own additional funds.”

§48 is deleted and §§49-54 shall be renumbered as §§48-53.

Legal basis:

§39 section 1 point 2 of the Ordinance of the Minister for Finance as at 19.10.2005 re current and periodic information disclosed by issuers of securities

31 July 2008

Current report no. 41/2008

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. (“Bank”) hereby informs that on 30 July 2008, Regional Court of Poznań - Nowe Miasto & Wilda, 8th Commercial Department of the National Court Register registered two companies: BZ WBK-CU Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Ogólnych Spółka Akcyjna and BZ WBK- CU Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie Spółka Akcyjna.

The Bank took up in:

  • BZ WBK – CU Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Ogólnych S.A. - 13 500 ordinary registered shares of A series with nominal value of PLN 1 000 each and issue price per share of PLN 1 334 which accounts for 50% of the share capital and 50% of votes at a general meeting. The carrying value of the shares taken up by the Bank totals PLN 18 516 145.54,
  • BZ WBK – CU Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie S.A. – 10 875 ordinary registered shares of A series with value of PLN 1000 each and issue price per share of PLN 1 334 which accounts for 50% of the share capital and 50% of votes at a general meeting. The carrying value of the shares taken up by the Bank totals PLN 15 014 395.54.

The purchase of the shares in the above mentioned companies by the Bank is a long-term investment and was financed with the Bank’s own funds.

Legal basis:

Art. 56 sec. 1 item 2 of the Act on offering current and periodic information §5 sec. 1 item 1 of Ordinance of the Minister for Finance as of 19.10. 2005 on current and periodic information

25 July 2008

Information on the purchase of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 40/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member bought as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions:

  • on 17 July 2008 7 738 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 135,94 per share;
  • on 18 July 2008 7 220 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 139,78 per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

22 July 2008

Appointment of a new Member of Bank Zachodni WBK Management Board (Current report no. 39/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK would like to announce that on 22.07.2008 the Supervisory Board appointed Mr. Mirosław Skiba Management Board Member of Bank Zachodni WBK.

Mirosław Skiba was born in 1966. He graduated from the Technical University of Poznań and completed post-graduate studies in banking at the Poznań School of Economics.

In 1992, he started his professional career first in Wielkopolski Bank Kredytowy, and then with Bank Zachodni WBK. He was, among others, Branch Manager, Director of Wielkopolska Północ Region and, from 2002 he headed Poznań Macroregion. In March 2008, Mr. Mirosław Skiba was appointed Director of Warsaw Macroregion where he was responsible for business performance, relations with customers and branch network expansion .

Mirosław Skiba has sat on numerous committees across the BZWBK Group, including Credit Committee and Provisions Committee. Since 2003 he has chaired the Supervisory Board of Fundusz Poręczeń Kredytowych Polfund S.A.

He is married, with two children.

Mirosław Skiba is not involved in any activity competitive to Bank Zachodni WBK. He is not included in the National Register of Insolvent Debtors (as per the Act on the National Court Register).

Legal basis:

Para. 5 section 1 item 22 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance dd. 19.10.2005 on current and periodic reporting by issuers of securities.

18 July 2008

Fitch Changes Poland’s Bank Zachodni WBK’s Outlook to Negative (Current report no. 38/2008)

Fitch Ratings-London/Warsaw-17 July 2008: Fitch Ratings has today changed Poland-based Bank Zachodni WBK’s (BZ WBK) Outlook to Negative from Stable. Its ratings are affirmed at Long-term Issuer Default (IDR) ‘A+’, Short-term IDR ‘F1’, Individual ‘C’ and Support ‘1’.

The rating action reflects the change of the Outlook to Negative from Stable for BZ WBK’s controlling shareholder, Allied Irish Banks (AIB, rated ‘AA-’ (AA minus)/Negative Outlook). For more details, please refer to ‘Fitch Changes Allied Irish Banks’ Outlook to Negative’ dated 14 July 2008 on

The Long- and Short-term IDRs and Support rating are based on the extremely high potential for support from AIB, which holds a 70.5% stake in BZ WBK.

Contact: Artur Szeski, Warsaw, Tel: + 48 22 338 6292
Fitch's rating definitions and the terms of use of such ratings are available on the agency's public site, Published ratings, criteria and methodologies are available from this site, at all times. Fitch's code of conduct, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, affiliate firewall, compliance and other relevant policies and procedures are also available from the 'Code of Conduct' section of this site.

Legal basis:

§ clause 1 item 26 of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance, dated 19oktober 205, with regard to current and periodic informations sent by issuers of securities

04 July 2008

Information on the purchase of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 37/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member

  • bought as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions on 27 June 2008 10 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 135,79 per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

20 June 2008

Information on the purchase of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 36/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member bought as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions:

  • on 12 June 2008 2 500 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 154,00 per share,
  • on 16 June 2008 10 029 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 149,93 per share,
  • on 17 June 2008 10 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 148,70 per share,

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

18 June 2008

Information on the purchase of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 35/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member

  • bought as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions on 11 June 2008 359 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 151,50 per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

13 June 2008

Current report no. 34/2008

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member bought as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions:

  • on 5 June 2008 10 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 165,00 per share,
  • on 10 June 2008 16 605 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 157,93 per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 200

12 June 2008

Changes in the composition of the Management Board of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. (Current report no. 33/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. (“the Bank”) advises that Mr. James Murphy, Management Board member in charge of the Finance Division informed the Supervisory Board today that he would leave his position as of the end of September 2008.

The Supervisory Board on June 12, 2008 passed a resolution on the designation of Mr. Paul Barry Management Board Member as of October 1, 2008. Within the division of competencies in the Bank’s Management Board Mr. Paul Barry will be entrusted with supervision over the Finance Division.

Mr. Paul Barry, born in 1961, is a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, the Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Administrators, the Institute of Bankers in Ireland and in the past he has attended a number of programmes in the Irish Management Institute.

He began his career in Allied Irish Banks Group in 1979 in its Retail Banking Division, in 1992-1994 was a financial consultant in Wielkopolski Bank Kredytowy, then in 1994-2001 worked in AIB Treasury in London and Dublin, in May 2004 was appointed Head of ALM Support ROI.

Mr. Paul Barry is not engaged in any activity competitive to the business of the Bank. He is not listed in Register of Insolvent Debtors kept pursuant to the National Court Register Act (KRS).

12 June 2008

Current report no. 32/2008

On 12.06.2008, an agreement was made between Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. and Commercial Union Polska sp. z o.o. with its registered seat in Warsaw regarding the sale of shareholding in Brytyjsko-Polskie Towarzystwo Finansowe WBK CU sp. z o.o. seated in Poznań. Under the agreement, Bank Zachodni WBK SA sold 420 shares of Brytyjsko-Polskie Towarzystwo Finansowe WBK-CU Sp. z o.o. of total nominal value at PLN 210 000, which represented 60% of the share capital and 420 votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders of Brytyjsko-Polskie Towarzystwo Finansowe WBK-CU Sp. z o.o. The shares were sold for PLN 1 200 000.

As a result, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. disposed of all its shares in Brytyjsko-Polskie Towarzystwo Finansowe WBK CU sp. z o.o.. As at the day of the transaction, the carrying value of shares as recognized in the Bank’s books was PLN 217 700. The shares were treated as a long term equity investment.

Legal basis:

Para. 5 section 1 point 1 of the Ordinance of the Minister for Finance as of 19.10.2005 on ongoing and periodic disclosures made by issuers of securities (Journal of Laws, 2005, No. 209, item 1744).

10 June 2008

Selection of an entity authorized to audit financial statements. (Current report no. 31/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. (“Bank”) would like to advise that on 10 June 2008, pursuant to §32 point 10 of the Bank’s Statutes and industry standards, the Supervisory Board passed a resolution whereby KPMG Audyt Sp. z o.o. was selected to audit financial statements and consolidated accounts of the Bank and the Bank Group for 2008.

Key highlights about the auditor:

KPMG Audyt Sp. z o.o., ul. Chłodna 51, 00-867 Warsaw

Auditor accreditation: registered under number 458 on the list of entities authorized to audit financial statements.

The Bank availed of the services of KPMG Audyt Sp. z o.o. with regard to the audit of financial statements of the Bank and the Bank Group for the previous financial years. Also, within the scope permitted by law and internal policies aimed to ensure impartiality and independence of the auditor, the Bank availed of consultancy and tax advisory services provided by other companies from the KPMG Group.

The agreement between the Bank and KPMG Audyt Sp. z o.o. will be for a period necessary to audit financial statements.

Legal basis:

Art. 56, clause 1, point 2 of the Act on Public Offering

28 May 2008

Correction of report 30/2008 re. dividend from CU PTE BPH CU WBK S.A. (Current report no. 30/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. hereby corrects the dividend amount received from Commercial Union Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne BPH CU WBK S.A. quoted in current report no. 30/2008:

  • it should read: PLN 20,722,030.00,
  • instead of: PLN 16,784,844.00.

Legal basis:

§ 6 item 2 of the Minister of Finance Ordinance dated 19/10/2005 re. current and periodic reports passed by issuers of securities

21 May 2008

Dividend from Commercial Union Group’s companies (Report no.30/2008)

Today, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. has been informed about the dividend payment by CU Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie S.A. scheduled for 27 May 2008.

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., as the shareholder of the Commercial Union Group’s companies, hereby advises that:

  • Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Commercial Union Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne BPH CU WBK S.A, agreed that a dividend would be paid to its shareholders. As a result, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. received the amount of PLN 16,784,844.00 from Commercial Union Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne BPH CU WBK S.A. The dividend was paid on 24 April 2008.
  • Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Commercial Union Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie S.A. agreed that a dividend would be paid to its shareholders. As a result, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. will receive the amount of PLN 43,979,913.00 from Commercial Union Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie S.A. The dividend will be paid on 27 May 2008.

Legal basis:

Art. 56, clause 1, point 1 of the Act on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organized Trading and Public Companies

20 May 2008

Information of the disposal of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 29/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member sold as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions:

  • on 12 May 2008 30 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 180,33 per share,
  • on 13 May 2008 3 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 179,94 per share,
  • on 14 May 2008 1 013 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 180,54 per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

08 May 2008

Information on the purchase of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 28/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member bought as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions

  • on 29 April 2008 5 992 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 160,50 per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

30 Apr, 2008

Stepping down from the Management Board position (Current report no. 27/200)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. would like to advise that on 30 April 2008 (effective of 30 April 2008), Mr Michał Gajewski stepped down from his position of the Management Board member without disclosing the reason for so doing.

Legal basis:

§ 5 clause 1 point 21 of the Ordinance of the Minister for Finance as at 19.10.2005 re. current and periodic information supplied by issuers of securities.

26 Apr, 2008

Information on the purchase of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 26/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member bought as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions

  • on 22 April 2008 9 128 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for 160,99 PLN per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

18 Apr, 2008

Information on the purchase of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 25/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member bought as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions: on 09 April 2008 20 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 176,50 per share, on 11 April 2008 3 226 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 165,50 per share, on 14 April 2008 12 186 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 165,28 per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005.

18 Apr, 2008

AGM of BZWBK SA - list of shareholders with a block of shares in excess of 5% (Current report no. 24/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. hereby advises that at the Annual General Meeting of the BZ WBK Shareholders held on 18 April 2008, AIB European Investments Ltd. based in Dublin was the only shareholder with at least 5% of the total voting power. The shares held by AIB European Investments Limited carried 51,413,790 votes, which constituted 93,04% votes on this Meeting and 70,5% total votes.

Legal basis:

article 70 point 3 of the Act on public offering and terms&condition of introducing financial instruments to the organizes trading system and on public companies.

18 Apr, 2008

Appointed to the Bank’s Supervisory Board for a new term (Current report no. 23/2008)

The Management Board of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. hereby announces that on 18 April 2008 the following persons have been appointed to the Bank’s Supervisory Board for a new term:

18 Apr, 2008

Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of BZ WBK Shareholders (Current report No. 22/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK hereby announces the contents of the resolutions adopted by the AGM on 18th April 2008.

14 Apr, 2008

Information on the purchase of BZWBK shares (Current report no: 21/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member bought as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions:

  • on 07 April 2008 30 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 180,07 per share,
  • on 08 April 2008 15 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 178,26 per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

03 Apr, 2008

Draft resolutions for AGM (Current report no. 20/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. announces the text of the draft resolutions to be debated at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 18 April 2008.

26 Mar, 2008

Convening the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Current report no.19/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. hereby advises that the Bank’s Management Board has convened the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for 18th April 2008 at 10 am at the “Mercure-Panorama” hotel at pl. Dominikański 1 in Wrocław (conference room on the 1st floor).

Agenda of the AGM:

  1. Opening of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
  2. Election of the Chairperson of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
  3. Establishing whether the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders has been duly convened and has the capacity to adopt resolutions.
  4. Adopting the agenda for the Meeting
  5. Reviewing and approving the Management Board’s annual report and financial statements of the Bank for 2007.
  1. Reviewing and approving the Management Board’s annual report on the BZ WBK Group and consolidated financial statements of the BZ WBK Group for 2007.
  2. Distribution of profit, determining the dividend day and divided payment date.
  3. Granting discharge to the members of the Management Board.
  4. Reviewing and approving the Supervisory Board’s report on business operations in 2007 as well as the Supervisory Board’s report on examination of the financial reports presented by the Bank and the Bank’s capital group as well as reports on the operations of the Bank and the Bank’s capital group.
  5. Granting discharge to the members of the Supervisory Board.
  6. Appointing the Supervisory Board members for a new term of office.
  7. Appointing the Chairman of the Supervisory Board for a new term of office.
  8. Determining the remuneration of the Supervisory Board members.
  9. Amendments to the Bank’s Statutes.
  10. Adopting a uniform text of the Bank Statutes.
  11. Amendments to the Terms of Reference of the General Meeting of Shareholders.
  12. Authorization for the Management Board to conclude with the National Depository for Securities an agreement or agreements, if necessary, on the registration of bonds issued by the Bank in 2008 under a public offering.
  13. Adopting the Incentive Scheme III.
  14. Closing the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

The registered certificates of deposit must be submitted to the Registration Point: Wrocław, Rynek 9/11, 4th floor, no later than by the 11th April, 2008, 4:p.m.

Legal basis:

§39 clause 1, point 1 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance, dated 19 October 2005, re: current and periodical information submitted by the issuers of securities

17 Mar, 2008

Information on the purchase of BZWBK shares (Current report no: 18/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member bought as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions:

  • on 07 March 2008 10 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 155,09 per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

10 Mar, 2008

Incentive Scheme III for the management of Bank Zachodni WBK SA and its subsidiaries (Current report no: 17/2008)

The Management Board of Bank Zachodni WBK SA hereby informs that as requested by the Supervisory Board, it undertook actions aimed at implementing, as of the year 2008, the Incentive Scheme III for the management of Bank Zachodni WBK SA and its subsidiaries concerning no more than 600 persons. The Scheme will consist in agreements signed between the Bank and the Company’s managers basing on which shares will be issued in the future.

The Management Board in line with recommendation of the Supervisory Board formulated and adopted the key principles of the Scheme and proposed that relevant resolution be adopted at the Company’s nearest General Meeting (AGM). The Scheme is to be carried out by way of issuing shares by the Bank which the Scheme Participants, after fulfillment of specific economic criteria, will be entitled to purchase. The Scheme III of BZ WBK will be realized in years 2008-2010 and will result in issuing up to 300 000 new shares.

The major objective underlying the Scheme is creation of an effective motivation tool for the Bank’s and its subsidiaries managerial cadre which will ensure their stronger links with the Company. Thanks to this, the Company will be able to generate competitive financial results while adding value for its shareholders.

Legal grounds:

Art. 56 sec. 1, item 1 of the Act on Offering – inside information

06 Mar, 2008

Information on the purchase of BZWBK shares (Current report no: 16/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member bought as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions on:

  • 29 February 2008 15 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for 173,00 PLN per share.
  • 3 March 2008 r. 20 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for 165,15 PLN per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

06 Mar, 2008

Information on the purchase of BZWBK shares (Current report no: 15/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member bought as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions

  • on 27 February 2008 10 007 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for 173,58 PLN per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

28 Feb, 2008

List of publicized information in 2007 (Current report no. 14/2008)

Management Board of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. hereby informs that in 2007, the bank publicized the following reports (sequence: report number, subject of the report, submission date):

Current reports

1/2007 Information on buying shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 17/01/2007
2/2007 Information on selling shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 26/01/2007
3/2007 Incentive Scheme for Executives of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. and its subsidiaries, 26/01/2007
4/2007 Dates of submitting Bank Zachodni WBK periodical reports, 26/01/2007
5/2007 Information on buying shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 31/01/2007
6/2007 Convening Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, 07/02/2007
7/2007 Proposed dividend, 22/02/2007
8/2007 Draft resolutions of Bank Zachodni WBK AGM, 28/02/2007
9/2007 Information on buying shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 07/03/2007
10/2007 List of publicized information in 2006, 12/03/2007
11/2007 Information on buying shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 14/03/2007
12/2007 Change in the date of publishing consolidated quarterly report, 20/03/2007
13/2007 Conclusion of a significant agreement, 21/03/2007
14/2007 Information on buying shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 21/03/2007
15/2007 Information on selling shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 30/03/2007
16/2007 Information on selling shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 03/04/2007
17/2007 Information on selling shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 05/04/2007
18/2007 Resolutions adopted by BZWBK AGM, 17/04/2007
19/2007 Appointment of Member of BZWBK Supervisory Board, 17/04/2007
20/2007 Resignation of Member of BZWBK Supervisory Board, 17/04/2007
21/2007 AGM – list of shareholders with shareholdings in excess of 5%, 17/04/2007
22/2007 Information on selling shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 19/04/2007
23/2007 Information on selling shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 24/04/2007
24/2007 Information on selling shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 27/04/2007
25/2007 Information on buying BZWBK shares by Member of the Bank’s Management Board, 30/04/2007
26/2007 Information on selling shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 02/05/2007
27/2007 Information on selling shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 08/05/2007
28/2007 Appointment of President of Management Board, 16/05/2007
29/2007 Dividend from Commercial Union Group’s companies, 18/05/2007
30/2007 Information on selling shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 13/06/2007
31/2007 Information on selling shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 18/06/2007
32/2007 Entry to the National Court Register of changes to Bank Zachodni WBK Statutes adopted by the AGM, 19/06/2007
33/2007 Appointment of an entity entitled to audit financial statements, 21/06/2007
34/2007 Statement on compliance with corporate governance, 21/06/2007
35/2007 Implementation of a Long-Term Incentive Scheme II “Shares for Performance”, 29/06/2007
36/2007 Fitch upheld the “A+” rating for Bank Zachodni WBK, 05/07/2007
37/2007 Appointment of a new Member of Bank Zachodni WBK Management Board, 24/07/2007
38/2007 Information on buying shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 27/07/2007
39/2007 Information on buying shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 01/08/2007
40/2007 Information on buying shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 20/08/2007
41/2007 Information on buying shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 24/08/2007
42/2007 Registration of conditional increase of Bank Zachodni WBK share capital, 04/09/2007
43/2007 Information on selling shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 05/09/2007
44/2007 Information on selling shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 21/09/2007
45/2007 Information on buying shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 10/10/2007
46/2007 Information on selling shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 16/10/2007
47/2007 Information on buying shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 02/11/2007
48/2007 Information on buying shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 09/11/2007
49/2007 Information on buying shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 15/11/2007
50/2007 Information on buying shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 19/11/2007
51/2007 Cooperation of Bank Zachodni WBK with Aviva Ltd, 21/11/2007
52/2007 Information on buying shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 27/11/2007
53/2007 Information on buying shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 29/11/2007
54/2007 Information on selling shares of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., 14/12/2007

Periodical reports

Consolidated, extended quarterly report for Q4 2006 (SAB-QSr4/2006), 19-02-2007
Annual 2006 report (SAB-R 2006), 19-02-2007
Consolidated annual 2006 report (SAB-R 2006), 19-02-2006
Consolidated, extended quarterly report for Q1 2007 (SAB-QSr1/2007), 25-04-20007
Consolidated, extended quarterly report for Q2 2007 (SAB-QSr2/2007), 01-08-2007
Consolidated, extended semi-annual report for H1 2007 (SAB-PSr-2006) 01-08-2007
Consolidated, extended quarterly report for Q3 2007 (SAB-QSr3/2007) 07-11-2007

Original reports are kept with Bank Zachodni WBK S.A in Poznań, Plac Andersa 5, 13th floor.

The bank publishes current and periodical reports on its internet site

Legal grounds:

Art. 65 Sec. 1 of Act on the offering - List of publicized information.

28 Feb, 2008

Information of the disposal of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 13/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member sold as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions

  • on 20 February 2008 2 243 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 178,00 per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

22 Feb, 2008

Information of the disposal of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 12/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member sold as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions

  • on 18 February 2008 30 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 186,76 per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005.

20 Feb, 2008

Proposed dividend (Current report no. 11/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. hereby advises that the Bank’s Management Board and the Supervisory Board have proposed to:

  • allocate PLN 218,880,852.00 of the Bank’s net profit for 2007 to dividend payment, which means that the proposed dividend per share will amount to PLN 3.00,
  • set 5 May 2008 as the Dividend Date and 19 May 2008 as the Dividend Payment Date.

The Management Board and the Supervisory Board will present this proposal along with the recommendation to the Annual General Meeting of the Bank’s Shareholders.

Legal basis:

§39 clause 1 point 7 of the Ordinance of the Minister for Finance as at 19.10.2005 re. current and periodic information supplied by issuers of securities.

18 Feb, 2008

Information of the disposal of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 10/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member sold as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions

  • on 11 February 2008 15 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 178,44 per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

08 Feb, 2008

Information of the disposal of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 9/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member sold as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions:

  • on 01 February 2008 35 988 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 189,77 per share,
  • on 04 February 2008 6 380 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 193,02 per share

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005.

30 Jan, 2008

Information of the purchase of BZWBK shares (Current report no: 8/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member bought

  • as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions on 23 January 2008 13 932 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 179,98 per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005.

25 Jan, 2008

Information on the purchase of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 7/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member bought as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions:

  • on 21 January 2008 23 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 189,17 per share,
  • on 22 January 2008 19 481 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 177,96 per share,

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005.

18 Jan, 2008

Dates of publishing interim reports

Based on section § 100 item. 1 of the Ordinance of the Council of Ministers of 19 October 2005 on current and interim information provided by issuers of securities (Journal of Laws of 2005, No 209, item 1744 as amended), Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. announces the dates of publishing consolidated quarterly reports, half-year consolidated reports, annual report and consolidated annual report for 2008.

The above interim reports of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. will be published on the following days:

  • Q1 consolidated report
  • Q2 consolidated report
  • H1 consolidated report
  • Q3 consolidated report
  • Q4 consolidated report
  • Annual report
  • Consolidated annual report

Additionally, BZ WBK would like to inform that quarterly and half-year consolidated reports published will include abridged quarterly and half-year statements respectively.

18 Jan, 2008

Current report no.5/2008

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. announces that the publishing of the consolidated quarterly report 4Q, the Annual Report 2007 and the consolidated Annual Report SAB RS-2007 has been rescheduled from 25 February 2008 and shall take place on 20 February 2008.

Legal basis:

section 100. 2 of the Ordinance of the Council of Ministers of 19 October 2005 on current and interim information provided by issuers of securities (Journal of Laws from 2005, no 209, item 1744)

14 Jan, 2008

Information of the disposal of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 4/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member sold as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions:

  • on 4 January 2008 10 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 242,00 per share,
  • on 8 January 2008 10 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 227,00 per share,

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005

08 Jan, 2008

Information of the disposal of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 3/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member sold as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions:

  • on 2 January 2008 7 412 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 249,80 per share,
  • on 3 January 2008 12 129 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 244,10 per share,

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005.

03 Jan, 2008

Information of the purchase and disposal of BZWBK shares (Current report no. 2/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member:

  • sold as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions on 27 December 2007 1 228 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 259,40 per share,
  • sold as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions on 28 December 2007 16 612 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 258,03 per share,
  • bought as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions on 28 December 2007 1 092 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 251,00 per share,

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005.

02 Jan, 2008

Information of the purchase of BZWBK shares by BZWBK Management Board Member (Current report no. 1/2008)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member bought as part of an ordinary stock exchange transactions:

  • on 19 December 2007 4 193 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 235,04 per share,
  • on 20 December 2007 10 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 243,61 per share,
  • on 21 December 2007 4 848 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 244,72 per share.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005