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27 Dec, 2005

Information on Bank Zachodni WBK shares disposal (Report no. 36/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that on 20 December 2005 the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member sold 773 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 146,57 per share as part of an ordinary stock exchange transaction and on 21 December 2005 sold 5 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 146,75 per share as part of an ordinary stock exchange transaction.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005.

16 Dec, 2005

Information on Bank Zachodni WBK shares disposal (Report no. 35/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that on 14 December 2005 the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member sold 3 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 133,66.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005.

09 Dec, 2005

BZ WBK EGM - list of shareholders of 5% up (Report no. 34/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. hereby advises that at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the BZ WBK Shareholders held on 8 December 2005, AIB European Investments Ltd. based in Dublin was the only shareholder with at least 5% of the total voting power. The shares held by AIB European Investments Limited carried 51,413,790 votes, which constituted 98,8% votes on this Meeting and 70,5% total votes.

Legal basis:

article 70 point 3 of the Act on public offering and terms&condition of introducing financial instruments to the organizes trading system and on public companies.

08 Dec, 2005

Information on Bank Zachodni WBK shares disposal (Report no. 33/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that on 5 December 2005 the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member sold 5 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 136,69 per share as part of an ordinary stock exchange transaction and on 6 December 2005 sold 2 642 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 134,51 per share as part of an ordinary stock exchange transaction.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005.

08 Dec, 2005

BZ WBK EGM - resolutions (Report no. 32/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK hereby announces the contents of the resolutions adopted by the EGM on 8th December 2005.


06 Dec, 2005

Information on Bank Zachodni WBK shares purchase (Report no. 31/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that on 2 December 2005 the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member sold 11 000 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 133,60 per share as part of an ordinary stock exchange transaction.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005.

05 Dec, 2005

Information on Bank Zachodni WBK shares purchase (Report no. 30/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that on 1 December 2005 the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member sold 6 267 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 131,50 per share as part of an ordinary stock exchange transaction.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005.

05 Dec, 2005

Redemption and remission of BZ WBK bonds (Report no. 29/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. hereby advises as follows.

On 5 December, 2005, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. purchased and redeemed 1 128 502 (one million one hundred twenty eight thousand five hundred two) bonds, i.e. all ordinary 2S1205 (BZS1205) series bearer bonds issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. under II Program Emisyjny Obligacji Lokacyjnych (2nd Savings Bond Issue Program).

The day of purchasing 2S1205 series bonds was defined in the 2S1205 series bonds Prospectus published by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. in the form of current report no. 61/2003 on 3 December 2003 as the 4 December 2005. As this was not a Business Day in the understanding of the definition used in the issue Prospectus for BZ WBK ordinary bearer bonds 2nd Program, in line with the principles described in this Prospectus, the purchase took place on the earliest Business Day, i.e. on 5 December 2005.

Legal basis:

§5 clause 1 item 12 of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance, dated 19 November 2005, with regard to current and periodic information sent by issuers of securities, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A.

29 Nov, 2005

Information on Bank Zachodni WBK shares purchase (Report no. 28/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Management Board Member advised the Bank that on 24 November 2005 the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member purchased 4 780 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 124,50 per share as part of an ordinary stock exchange transaction.

Legal basis:

Art. 160 section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005.

23 Nov, 2005

Fitch Ratings increased Bank Zachodni WBK rating (Report no.27/2005)

Fitch Ratings Upgrades Poland's Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. to Individual 'C' Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. announces that Fitch Ratings Rating Agency informed on upgrade of BZWBK S.A. rating.

Fitch Ratings-London-23 November 2005: Fitch Ratings has today upgraded Poland-based Bank Zachodni WBK Bank's ("BZ WBK") Individual rating to 'C' from 'C/D'. Fitch has also affirmed the other ratings at Long-term 'A', Short-term 'F1', and Support '1'. The Outlook is Positive.

The upgrade reflects improvements in BZ WBK's profitability resulting from its completed restructuring programme, better asset quality, and strengthening capitalisation. "BZ WBK's prudent lending practices have left it with better asset quality than most of its peers." says Chris Birney, Director with Fitch's Financial Institutions Group. Further improvement in BZ WBK's Individual rating would require better operating profitability and a strengthening of its franchise.

The Long-term, Short-term and Support ratings are based on the potential for support from BZ WBK's controlling shareholder, Allied Irish Banks ('AIB', rated 'AA-' (AA minus)/Stable Outlook). BZ WBK's Long-term rating is currently constrained by the Country Ceiling for Poland.

AIB is one of the largest banks in Ireland, with EUR116 billion of assets as of end-H105. It employs over 23,000 people in more than 700 offices worldwide. AIB built a 60.1% stake in WBK between 1995 and 1996. In 1999 AIB acquired 80% of Bank Zachodni SA from the Polish State Treasury and in 2001 merged the two banks to create BZ WBK, in which AIB currently has a 70.5% stake.

BZ WBK is Poland's 7th largest bank by assets. The Bank operates through 384 branches and has 7,522 full-time employees.

Fitch's rating definitions and the terms of use of such ratings are available on the agency's public site, Published ratings, criteria and methodologies are available from this site, at all times. Fitch's code of conduct, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, affiliate firewall, compliance and other relevant policies and procedures are also available from the 'Code of Conduct' section of this site.

Legal basis:

§ 5 clause 1 item 26 and § 32 of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance, dated 19 November 2005, with regard to current and periodic information sent by issuers of securities.

21 Nov, 2005

BZ WBK EGM draft resolution (Report no. 26/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. announces the contents of the draft resolutions to be discussed by the EGM on 8 December, 2005:


17 Nov, 2005

BZ WBK bonds' purchase (II PEOL) by BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. (Report no. 25/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. informs as follows:

On 17 November 2006, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. received from BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. - a subsidiary - information that on 16 November 2005, BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. purchased on the MTS-CeTO market 1 041 204 (say one million forty one thousand two hundred four) ordinary bearer bonds of 2S1205 (BZS1205) series, issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. under the 2nd Investments Bonds Issue Programme.

The nominal value per bond is PLN 100. The average purchase price per bond was PLN 99.47 (say: ninety nine zloty 47/100).

The above-mentioned bonds were purchased pursuant to BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. Articles of Association, i.e. with the consent of its Supervisory Board. The purchase was exercised as a follow up of the agreement concluded on 1 June 2005 between Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. and BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. advised about this agreement in its report no. 12/2005 on 2 June 2005. BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. intends to maintain the purchased bonds until their redemption.

Legal basis:

§5 par.1 point 6 of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance, dated 19 October 2005 on the current and periodical information delivered by the issuers of securities.

16 Nov, 2005

Information on Bank Zachodni WBK shares purchase (Report no. 24/2005)

A BZ WBK Management Board Member advised the Bank that on 8 November 2005 the entity in which he acts as a Supervisory Board Member purchased 34,780 BZ WBK shares, code PLBZ 00000044, for PLN 119.22 per share as part of an ordinary stock exchange transaction.

Legal basis:

art. 160 section 4 of the Act On Trading In Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005.

15 Nov, 2005

Redemption and remission of BZ WBK bonds - 2S1105 series (II PEOL) (Report no. 23/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. hereby advises as follows.

On 10 November, 2005, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. purchased and redeemed 2 985 695 (two million nine hundred eighty five thousand six hundred ninety five) bonds, i.e. all ordinary 2S1105 (BZS1105) series bearer bonds issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. under II Program Emisyjny Obligacji Lokacyjnych (2nd Savings Bond Issue Program).

The purchase value of one redeemed bond totalled PLN 100 (one hundred zlotys) and was equal to its nominal value.

Legal basis:

§5 clause 1 item 12 of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance, dated 19 November 2005, with regard to current and periodic information sent by issuers of securities.

15 Nov, 2005

Summon of EGM (Report no. 22/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. hereby advises that the Bank's Management Board has convened the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders for 8th December 2005 at 10:00 in the "Mercure-Panorama" Hotel in pl. Dominikański 1 in Wrocław, conference room on the 1st floor.

Agenda of the EGM:

  1. Opening of the General Meeting of Shareholders.
  2. Election of the Chairperson of the General Meeting of Shareholders.
  3. Establishing whether the General Meeting of Shareholders has been duly convened and has the capacity to adopt resolutions.
  4. Adopting the agenda for the Meeting.
  5. Amendments to the Bank's Statutes.
  6. Approving the consolidated text of the Bank's Statutes.
  7. Amendments to the Regulations of Bank General Meetings.
  8. Closing of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

The registered certificates of deposit must be submitted to the Registration Point: Wrocław, Rynek 9/11, 4th floor, no later than by the 1st of December, 2005, 3:p.m.

Legal grounds:

§39 clause 1, point 1 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance, dated 19 October 2005, re: current and periodical information submitted by the issuers of securities.

24 Oct, 2005

Change of publication date of Periodical Report (Report no. 21/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. announces that the publishing of the 3Q consolidated SAB QSr3-2005 report has been rescheduled from 10 November 2005 and shall take place on 8 November 2005.

Legal basis:

section 107. 1 of the Ordinance of the Council of Ministers of 21 March 2005 on current and interim information provided by issuers of securities.

20 Oct, 2005

Redemption and remission of BZ WBK bonds (Report no. 20/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. hereby advises as follows.

On 24 October, 2005, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. purchased and redeemed 366 268 (three hundred and sixty six thousand two hundred and sixty eight) bonds, i.e. all ordinary 2S1005 (BZS1005) series bearer bonds issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. under II Program Emisyjny Obligacji Lokacyjnych (2nd Savings Bond Issue Program).

The day of purchasing 2S1005 series bonds was defined in the 2S1005 series bonds Prospectus published by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. in the form of current report no. 45/2003 on 22 October 2003 as the 23rd of October 2005. As this was not a Business Day in the understanding of the definition used in the issue Prospectus for BZ WBK ordinary bearer bonds 2nd Program, in line with the principles described in this Prospectus, the purchase took place on the earliest Business Day, i.e. on 24 October 2005.

The purchase value of one redeemed bond totalled PLN 100 (one hundred zlotys) and was equal to its nominal value.

Legal basis:

§5 clause 1 item 16 of the Ordinance of the Council of Ministers, dated 21 March 2005, with regard to current and periodic information sent by issuers of securities.

12 Oct, 2005

Purchase of BZ WBK bonds (II PEOL) by BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. (Report no. 19/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. hereby informs that:

On 21 October 2005, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. received from BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o., based in Poznań, Plac Wolności 15 - a subsidiary - information about buying, by BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. on 20 and 21 October 2005, on the public regulated market MTS-CeTO 2 853 385 (say two million eight hundred fifty three thousand three hundred eighty five) ordinary bearer bonds of 2S1105 series (BZS1105), issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. as part of the 2nd Investment Bonds Issue Programme, which give right to money benefits only and mature on 10 November 2005. The nominal value of one bond is PLN 100 (one hundred zlotys). The average purchase price per bond was PLN 99.48 (ninety nine zlotys and 48/100).

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. has a 100% of the shareholding in BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. The president of the Management Board of BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. and its Supervisory Board members are individuals connected with Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. by way of employment contracts.

The purchase of the above bonds was compliant with the Articles of Association of BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o., i.e. it was preceded by the approval of its Supervisory Board, and represented the execution of the agreement concluded on 1 June 2005 by and between Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. and BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o., about the conclusion of which Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. informed in current report no. 12/2005, dated 2 June 2005. The intention of BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. is keeping the purchased bonds until their redemption.

The funds earmarked by BZWBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. for paying for the bonds came from a loan sanctioned to the subsidiary by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. BZ WBK S.A. informed about this loan in a current report no. 30/2004, dated 30 December 2004.

The price for the bonds purchased by BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o., understood as a product of the number of bonds and the total price and due interest on the bonds was PLN 313 729 680,75 (say three hundred thirteen million seven hundred twenty nine thousand six hundred eighty 75/100) which accounts for 10% of the shareholders funds of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., which warrants their recognition as assets of significant value.

Legal basis:

§5 clause 1 item 1 and point 6 of the Ordinance of the Cabinet, dated 21 March 2005, re. current and periodic information submitted by issuers of securities.

07 Oct, 2005

Purchase of BZ WBK bonds (II PEOL) (Report no. 18/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. hereby informs that:

On 7 October 2005 Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. was advised by its subsidiary, BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o., that on 6 October and 7 October 2005 it purchased 353 589 (three hundred fifty three thousand five hundred and eighty nine) ordinary bearer bonds of 2S1005 (BZS1005) series on MTS-CeTO market, issued by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. in the scope of II Issue Program of Deposit Bonds.

Nominal value of one bond totals PLN 100 (one hundred PLN). Average purchase price of one bond totaled PLN 99,52 (ninety nine and fifty two PLN).

Purchase of the above bonds was effected in line with the BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. agreement following the consent of its Supervisory Board and is an execution of the agreement entered on 1 June 2005 between Bank Zachodni WBK SA and BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. of which Bank Zachodni WBK SA advised in its current report no. 12/2005 as at 2 June 2005. BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. intends to have the bonds purchased since the day of their remission.

Legal rationale:

§5 Act 1 section 6 Council of Ministers resolution as at 21 March 2005 re. current and periodical information provided by issuers of securities.

26 Sep, 2005

Transfer of ownership of shares (Report no. 17/2005)

Pursuant to art. 147 of Law on Public Trading in Securities Act of 21 August 1997, the Management Board of Bank Zachodni WBK hereby advises that it obtained information on the transaction of ownership transfer executed outside the regulated market with regard to 1 947 717 shares of NIF Magna Polonia S.A. accounting for 6.48% of the Fund’s share capital and the same number of votes at AGM to the securities account of AIB WBK Fund Management Sp. z o.o. based in Warsaw, subsidiary of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. The transaction was executed on 21 September 2005.

At present, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. along with subsidiaries holds 12 414 155 shares of NIF Magna Polonia S.A. which account for 41.30% of share capital and 38.39% of votes at the AGM of NIF Magna Polonia S.A. The difference between the number of shares held and the number of votes at the AGM stems from the fact that NIF Magna Polonia S.A. holds own shares with regard to which the voting power is not exercised.

31 Aug, 2005

Agreement re. repurchase of bonds issued in II PEOL (Report no. 16/2005)

Legal grounds: par. 5 sec. 1 item 3 of the Cabinet Ordinance, dated 21 March 2005 re. current and periodic information submitted by issuers of securities - adjustment and supplement to report no. 12/2005 of 2 June 2005.


30 Jun, 2005

Statement re. observance of corporate governance rules (Report no. 15/2005)

With reference to the current report no 7/2005, published on April 14, 2005, comprising the Resolution of the General Shareholders' Meeting no 39, accepting Good Practices in Public Companies 2005 in the reading as attached to the Resolution, the Management Board of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. represent that they observe the principles of corporate governance included in "Good Practices in Public Companies 2005" introduced with a Resolution No. 44/1062/2004 of the Council of Securities Stock Exchange in Warsaw. The Bank's Management Board also represents that they are fully aware of the necessity of guaranteeing of principle 14 in the Bank's Statutes, which shall be done on the next Bank's General Shareholders' Meeting.

Legal basis:

§ 27, sec. 2 of the Regulations of Stock Exchange, enacted with a Stock Exchange Resolution no 6/1024/2004 dated February 24, 2004, as amended.

27 Jun, 2005

Change of publication date of Periodical Reports (SAB QSr2-2005 and SAB PSr1-2005) (Report no. 14/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. announces that the publishing of the 2Q consolidated SAB QSr2-2005 report has been rescheduled from 28 July 2005 and shall take place on 3 August 2005 and the publishing of the 1H consolidated SAB PSr1-2005 report has been rescheduled from 24 August 2005 and shall take place on 3 August 2005.

Legal basis:

section 107. 1 of the Ordinance of the Council of Ministers of 21 March 2005 on current and interim information provided by issuers of securities.

22 Jun, 2005

Appointment of the new Management Board member (Report no. 13/2005)

Management Board of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. hereby announces that on 21 June 2005, the Supervisory Board of Bank Zachodni WBK appointed Aleksander Kompf a member of Bank Zachodni WBK Management Board in charge of Compliance Area for the term of office of the Bank's Management Board.

Aleksander Kompf is 53 years old. He graduated from Law and Administration Faculty at A. Mickiewicz University in Poznań. He also completed specialist courses in bank management, modernization and automation at Northwestern University in Chicago. In 1986 he was appointed deputy director of NBP Branch no.1 in Poznań, where he supervised, amongst other, the Credit Department and Operating& Accounting Department. In view of his experience, he was nominated a member of the Task Force for Organization of Wielkopolski Bank Kredytowy S.A. From the inception of WBK S.A., he was a member of the Management Board in charge of organizational and administrative issues. He was also responsible for the development and modernization of the WBK IT strategy. Then, he was in charge, amongst other, of the Finance, Accounting, IT, Capital, Risk Management Departments as well as IT Services Center and Central Brokerage Office. From August 2000, he performed the role of President of the Management Board of Bank Zachodni S.A. Following the merger of BZ S.A. and WBK S.A. he was Vice President of the Bank's Management Board. Prior to his present appointment, he was Director of BZ WBK Compliance Area.

Aleksander Kompf does not run operations competitive to Bank Zachodni WBK S.A.; he is not in the Register of Insolvent Debtors.

Legal grounds:

§ 5 sec.1 item 26 of the Cabinet's Ordinance, dated 21 March 2005, on current and periodic information submitted by issuers of securities.

02 Jun, 2005

Agreement re. repurchase of bonds issued in II PEOL (Report no.12/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. hereby informs that on 1 June 2005, it concluded with BZ WBK Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. - its subsidiary - an Agreement on the bonds purchase (Agreement).

The subject of the Agreement is BZ WBK Inwestycje sp. z o.o. unconditional commitment to purchase all 6 series of bonds issued by the Bank within the 2nd Program of Investment Bond Issue (II PEOL) on the regulated market run by MTS-CeTO. It is described in detail in the published II PEOL Prospectus and Prospectuses of individual series offered for sale by bondholders on the Purchase Day, at the Purchase Price according to the following principles:

  1. BZ WBK Inwestycje sp. z o.o. undertakes to place the purchase orders (hereinafter referred to as Purchase Order), for all bonds of individual series with a transaction date falling on the Purchase Day and at the Purchase Price of a given series of bonds;
  2. The Purchase Day and the Purchase Price were set individually for each series in line with provisions of the series Prospectuses and indicated in the table below.


  2s1005 2s1105 2s1205 5s1008 5s1108 5s1208
nominal value per 1 bond on the issue day (PLN) 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
total value of the purchase transaction per bond (PLN) 109,02 109,94 109,98 127,42 130,29 131,80
interest accrued on one bond as at bond Purchase Day* (PLN) 9,51 10,47 10,52 28,87 31,90 33,49
purchase price for PLN 100 of the nominal value (PLN) 99,51 99,47 99,46 98,55 98,39 98,31
Transaction Day 4 Oct. 05 18 Oct. 05 14 Nov. 05 2 Oct. 08 20 Oct. 08 12 Nov. 08
date of the transaction settlement by MTS-CeTO 6 Oct. 05 20 Oct. 05 16 Nov. 05 8 Oct. 08 22 Oct. 08 14 Nov. 08
* acc. to MTS-CeTO tables            


In order to carry out the transaction, the bondholders should place the sale orders for bonds of a given series by the day preceding the Transaction Day for this series inclusive.

The settlement of the bond purchase transaction will be made through the agency of MTS-CeTO and National Securities Depository.

For readiness to execute the transaction, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. will pay BZ WBK Inwestycje sp. z o.o a fee of PLN 10 000 (ten thousand) for each series of issued bonds, i.e. PLN 60 000 (sixty thousand) in total.

BZ WBK Inwestycje sp. z o.o. undertakes to ensure the source of financing the purchase of bonds and to cover the costs of financing the transaction by itself.

The Agreement has been considered significant because it relates to bonds whose nominal value, increased by the capitalized interest, as at the date of its pay-out totals PLN 601 087 888.18 (six hundred and one million, eighty seven thousand, eight hundred eighty eight 18/100) which will exceed 10% of the Issuer’s equity as at 31 March 2005.

In line with the Bank Zachodni WBK obligation contained in prospectuses of bond series issued within II PEOL, by 31 August 2005 the Bank will have published detailed guidelines for all bondholders who will express interest in participating in the purchase transaction organized by the Bank.

Legal grounds:

par. 5 sec. 1 item 3 of the Cabinet Ordinance, dated 21 March 2005 re. current and periodic information submitted by issuers of securities.

24 May, 2005

Rectification of information (Report no. 11/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK hereby informs that none of BZWBK Management Board Members traded in Bank Zachodni WBK shares indicated in the section "Issuer" of the Stock Exchange paper "Parkiet" published on 19.04.2005, 7-8.05.2005 and 17.05.2005.

Legal basis:

Article 81 clause 1 point 2) of The Law on the public Trading of Securities.

29 Apr, 2005

Change of publication date of quarterly Consolidated Report (Report no. 10/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. announces that the publishing of the 1Q consolidated SAB QSr1-2005 report has been rescheduled from 12 May 2005 and shall take place on 9 May 2005.

Legal basis:

section 107. 1 of the Ordinance of the Council of Ministers of 21 March 2005 on current and interim information provided by issuers of securities.

15 Apr, 2005

Commercial Union Group dividend (Report no. 9/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. as a shareholder of Commercial Union Group companies hereby advises that Annual General Meetings of those companies, which took place 15 April 2005, approved dividend payments for the shareholders.

* Bank Zachodni WBK SA will receive money by this way in a total amount of PLN 44.134.087,5 as a sum of:

  • PLN 32.463.637,5 from CU Poland Life
  • PLN 11.062.750,0 from CU Poland Pension Fund
  • PLN 607.700,0 from CU Poland General

* Dividends Date was set at 15 April 2005

Legal basis:

Article 81 clause 1 point 2) of The Law on the public Trading of Securities.

14 Apr, 2005

Appointment of BZ WBK Supervisory Board (Report no. 8/2005)

The Management Board of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. hereby announces persons appointed to the Bank's Supervisory Board for a new term.


14 Apr, 2005

Bank Zachodni WBK AGM resolutions (Report no. 7/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK hereby announces the contents of the resolutions adopted by the AGM on 14 April 2005.


05 Apr, 2005

AGM - draft resolutions (Report no. 6/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. announces the contents of the draft resolutions to be discussed by the AGM on 14 April 2005.


22 Mar, 2005

Summon of Bank Zachodni WBK AGM (Report no. 5/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. hereby advises that the Bank's Management Board has convened the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for 14 April 2005 at 10:00 in the "Mercure-Panorama" Hotel in. pl. Dominikański 1 in Wrocław, conference room on the 1st floor.

Agenda of the AGM:

  1. Opening of the General Meeting of Shareholders.
  2. Election of the Chairperson of the General Meeting of Shareholders.
  3. Establishing whether the General Meeting of Shareholders has been duly convened and has the capacity to adopt resolutions.
  4. Adopting the Agenda of the Meeting.
  5. Reviewing and approving the Management Board's report on the Bank's performance and the Bank's financial statements for 2004.
  6. Reviewing and approving the Management Board's report on the BZ WBK Group performance and the consolidated financial statements of the BZ WBK Group for 2004.
  7. Adopting a resolution on profit distribution, dividend registration day and divided payment day.
  8. Adopting resolutions re: giving the discharge to the members of the Bank's Management Board.
  9. Reviewing and approving the Supervisory Board's report on its operations in 2004 and the Supervisory Board's report on the examination of the Bank's and Group's financial statements as well as the reports on the Bank's and Group's operations.
  10. Adopting resolutions re: giving the discharge to the members of the Bank's Supervisory Board.
  11. Appointing members of the Bank's Supervisory Board for the new term in office.
  12. Appointing Chairman of the Bank's Supervisory Board for the new term in office.
  13. Consent for the disposal of a perpetual usufruct title to the property.
  14. Adopting the "Best practices in the public companies 2005".
  15. Closing of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

The registered certificates of deposit must be submitted to the Registration Point: Wrocław, Rynek 9/11, 4th floor, no later than by the 7th of April, 2005 , 15:00 p.m.

Legal grounds:

§49, section 1, item 1 of the Ordinance of the Cabinet, dated 16 October 2001, re: current and periodical information submitted by the issuers of securities.

04 Mar, 2005

First Vice-President of BZWBK Management Board, Cornelius O'Sullivan's resignation of Mgmt Board Member's function (Report no. 4/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. announces that it was advised by Mr. Cornelius O'Sullivan- First Vice President of the Management Board- of his resignation of Management Board Member's function - effective 30 April 2005 - due to his retirement.

Legal rationale:

§5 Act 1 section 30 Council of Ministers resolution as at 16 October 2001 re. current and periodical information provided by issuers of securities.

22 Feb, 2005

Proposal of 2004 dividend (Report no. 3/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. hereby advises that the Bank's Management Board and the Supervisory Board have proposed to:

  • Allocate PLN 177,293,490.12 of the Bank's net profit for 2004 to dividend payment, which means that the proposed dividend per share will amount to PLN 2.43;
  • Set 29 April 2005 as the Dividends Date and 17 May 2005 as the Dividends Payment Date.

The Management Board and the Supervisory Board will present this proposal along with the recommendation to the Annual General Meeting of the Bank's Shareholders.

Legal basis:

§ 49 clause 1, point 7 of the Council of Ministers Ordinance of 16 October 2001 concerning current and periodical reporting by issuers of securities.

28 Jan, 2005

Publishing dates of Periodical Reports (Report no. 2/2005)

Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. announces the dates of publishing consolidated quarterly reports, half-year consolidated reports, annual report and consolidated annual report for 2005.

The above interim reports of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. will be published on the following days:

  • Q1 consolidated report - 12-05-2005
  • Q2 consolidated report - 28-07-2005
  • H1 consolidated report - 24-08-2005
  • Q3 consolidated report - 10-11-2005
  • Q4 consolidated report - 23-02-2006
  • Annual report - 23-02-2006
  • Consolidated annual report - 10-03-2006

Additionally, BZ WBK would like to inform that quarterly and half-year consolidated reports published will include abridged quarterly and half-year statements respectively.

Based on section 69. 1 of the Ordinance of the Council of Ministers of 16 October 2001 on current and interim information provided by issuers of securities (Journal of Laws of 2001, No 139, item 1569 as amended).

04 Jan, 2005

Accession to ESPI (Report no. 1/2005)

The Management Board of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. would like to advise that starting from 1st January 2005, pursuant to § 10 it. 1 of the Regulations on the Use of the Electronic Information Transfer System (ESPI) - Appendix no. 1 of Ordinance no.18/2004 of the General Director of the SEC Office of 22nd October 2004, the Company starts using the Electronic Information Transfer System (ESPI).

As of the beginning of 2005, the company will pass current and periodical reports and other information on the basis of the regulations on public trading in securities using ESPI.

Ms Alina Stachowiak is the system operator.