Current Report no. 20 (2014) - correction
Convening the Extraordinary General Meeting of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., providing the draft resolutions that will be considered by this Meeting – correction
Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. („Bank”) hereby advises that in the current report no. 20/2014 dated 3rd June 2014 as a result of an obvious clerical errors:
I. In the draft of the resolution covered by the item 5 of the agenda, i. e. re. the increase in the Bank’s share capital through the issuance of ordinary bearer series L shares, the exclusion of the pre-emptive rights of the Bank’s existing shareholders with respect to all the series L shares, amendments to the statute of the Bank and the seeking of the admission and introduction of the series L shares to trading on the regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange (Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A.) and the dematerialisation of the series L shares:
1) In Polish version in § 4 clause 1, giving the new Reading of § 10 of the Bank’s Satute the number of D series shares was given only in words.
„4) (jeden milion czterysta siedemdziesiąt tysięcy pięćset osiemdziesiąt dziewięć) akcji zwykłych na okaziciela serii D,”,
should be:
„4) 1.470.589 (jeden milion czterysta siedemdziesiąt tysięcy pięćset osiemdziesiąt dziewięć) akcji zwykłych na okaziciela serii D,”
2) In Polish version of the appendix no. 1 to the EGM resolution in the firs sentence, by a mistake stated that it refers also to the rights to the series L shares; therefore:
„Na podstawie art. 433 § 2 ustawy z dnia 15 września 2000 r. Kodeks spółek handlowych („KSH”), Zarząd Banku Zachodniego WBK S.A. z siedzibą we Wrocławiu („Bank”) przyjął niniejszą opinię w dniu 9 kwietnia 2014 r. w związku z planowanym podjęciem przez Nadzwyczajne Walne Zgromadzenie Banku, zwołane na dzień 30 czerwca 2014 r., uchwały w sprawie: podwyższenia kapitału zakładowego Banku w drodze emisji akcji zwykłych na okaziciela serii L („Akcje Serii L”), pozbawienia dotychczasowych akcjonariuszy w całości prawa poboru wszystkich Akcji Serii L, zmiany Statutu Banku oraz ubiegania się o dopuszczenie i wprowadzenie Akcji Serii L do obrotu na rynku regulowanym prowadzonym przez Giełdę Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A. oraz dematerializacji Akcji Serii L i praw do Akcji Serii L („Uchwała”).”,
it should be read as follows:
„Na podstawie art. 433 § 2 ustawy z dnia 15 września 2000 r. Kodeks spółek handlowych („KSH”), Zarząd Banku Zachodniego WBK S.A. z siedzibą we Wrocławiu („Bank”) przyjął niniejszą opinię w dniu 9 kwietnia 2014 r. w związku z planowanym podjęciem przez Nadzwyczajne Walne Zgromadzenie Banku, zwołane na dzień 30 czerwca 2014 r., uchwały w sprawie: podwyższenia kapitału zakładowego Banku w drodze emisji akcji zwykłych na okaziciela serii L („Akcje Serii L”), pozbawienia dotychczasowych akcjonariuszy w całości prawa poboru wszystkich Akcji Serii L, zmiany Statutu Banku oraz ubiegania się o dopuszczenie i wprowadzenie Akcji Serii L do obrotu na rynku regulowanym prowadzonym przez Giełdę Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A. oraz dematerializacji Akcji Serii L („Uchwała”).”
3) in the title of the resolution and in the first sentence of its appendix no. 1, by a mistake stated that resolution refers to the rights to the series L shares, therefore:
English title, instead:
„Re. the increase in the Bank’s share capital through the issuance of ordinary bearer series L shares, the exclusion of the pre-emptive rights of the Bank’s existing shareholders with respect to all the series L shares, amendments to the statute of the Bank and the seeking of the admission and introduction of the series L shares and the rights to the series L shares to trading on the regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange (Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A.) and the dematerialisation of the series L shares”,
should be read as follows:
„Re. the increase in the Bank’s share capital through the issuance of ordinary bearer series L shares, the exclusion of the pre-emptive rights of the Bank’s existing shareholders with respect to all the series L shares, amendments to the statute of the Bank and the seeking of the admission and introduction of the series L shares to trading on the regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange (Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A.) and the dematerialisation of the series L shares”
And the firs sentencje of the appendix no. 1, instead:
„Pursuant to Article 433 § 2 of the Act dated 15 September 2000 – the Commercial Companies Code (the “CCC”), the management board of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. with its registered office in Wrocław (the “Bank”) adopted this opinion on 9th April 2014 in connection with the contemplated adoption by the extraordinary general meeting of the Bank, scheduled for 30 June 2014, of a resolution regarding: the increase in the Bank’s share capital through the issuance of ordinary bearer series L shares (the “Series L Shares”), the exclusion of the pre-emptive rights of the Bank’s existing shareholders with respect to all the Series L Shares, amendments to the statute of the Bank and the seeking of the admission and introduction of the Series L Shares to trading on the regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange (Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A.) and the dematerialisation of the Series L Shares and the rights to the Series L Shares (the “Resolution”).”,
should be:
„Pursuant to Article 433 § 2 of the Act dated 15 September 2000 – the Commercial Companies Code (the “CCC”), the management board of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. with its registered office in Wrocław (the “Bank”) adopted this opinion on 9th April 2014 in connection with the contemplated adoption by the extraordinary general meeting of the Bank, scheduled for 30 June 2014, of a resolution regarding: the increase in the Bank’s share capital through the issuance of ordinary bearer series L shares (the “Series L Shares”), the exclusion of the pre-emptive rights of the Bank’s existing shareholders with respect to all the Series L Shares, amendments to the statute of the Bank and the seeking of the admission and introduction of the Series L Shares to trading on the regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange (Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A.) and the dematerialisation of the Series L Shares (the “Resolution”).”,
II. In English version of the report and in the draft resolution re. Adopting the meeting’s Agenda, by a mistake, the incorrect reading of the item 5 of the agenda was given.
„5. Adopting the resolution regarding the increase in the Bank’s share capital through the issuance of ordinary bearer series L shares, the exclusion of the pre-emptive rights of the Bank’s existing shareholders with respect to all the series L shares, amendments to the statute of the Bank and the seeking of the admission and introduction of the series L shares and the rights to the series L shares to trading on the regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange (Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A.) and the dematerialisation of the series L shares.”,
should be:
„5. Adopting the resolution regarding the increase in the Bank’s share capital through the issuance of ordinary bearer series L shares, the exclusion of the pre-emptive rights of the Bank’s existing shareholders with respect to all the series L shares, amendments to the statute of the Bank and the seeking of the admission and introduction of the series L shares to trading on the regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange (Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A.) and the dematerialisation of the series L shares.
Therefore pleae find encloed:
1) Polish version of the draft resolutions that includes amendments published in this report,
2) English version of the current report no. 20/2014 dated 3 June 2014 that includes amendments published in this report, together with the draft resolutions.
Documents and Downloads
Full raport PDF 174 KB Uruchomi się w nowym oknie
The draft resolutions PDF 205 KB Uruchomi się w nowym oknie
Legal basis:
§ 6 clause 2 of the Finance Minister’s Ordinance of 19 February 2009 re. current and periodic reports published by the issuers of securities and the rules of equal treatment of the information required under the laws of non-member states.